02: Gunsmoke

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Elizabeth snorted in amusement at the sight of the pair outside of her door.

"Ya know when I said ya know where I live I was hoping for ya to not come by for a week or two at least."

Naamah huffed when shifting her arm around Percy's waist, he had lost at least two shades of color in his face since they had left the jail. "Yes well then don't offer."

Elizabeth eyed Percy carefully before responding. "Fair enough I suppose. You should come in an' set 'im down before he passes out on ya."

Naamah nodded before following the young human into the house and to the living area before slowly lowering her companion onto the couch.  "How are you holding up?"

Percy spared her a glance, his eyes slightly glazed over and breath coming out in small huffs. "Fine."

Naamah pulled a face at that but turned to Elizabeth, who was digging through a pile of books she had stacked on the tea table. "What are you doing?"

"Lookin' for a book on arcane magic on weapons. I think that's why the wound is still bleedin'."

Naamah leaned against the side of the couch. "That would make the most sense, don't know why I didn't think of that before."

"Well we were rather preoccupied." Percy muttered, sweat now starting to bead on his forehead.

Naamah frowned before leaning over him and started gently tugging his coat. "That is true, here let's get this off."

Elizabeth seemed to find the book she had been looking for and quickly started flipping through the pages while Naamah removed Percy's coat. "Elizabeth, is there any way we can reverse the effects of whatever this is?"

"Uh, there should be, I'm just tryin' to find it."

The patch of blood on Percy's shirt was alarming to say the least, and Naamah wasn't sure how much longer they had before the blood loss would kill him. "Please try to hurry Ellie."

The human glanced up before nodding. "Should be in this section here, ah! yeah here it is."

Elizabeth handed the book off to Naamah. "Here's the spot that talks about arcane magic and how to treat wounds made by enchanted weapons, while you're lookin' over that I'll go grab some towels and bandages."

Naamah nodded while reading. "Please be quick Ellie."

"Got it!" She yelled from down the hall.

Percy left out a long, shaky breath, which caught Naamah's attention. She shifted so she was seated on the couch next to him. "Easy Percival, we should be able to get this fixed as soon as I figure out how to reverse the effects."

Elizabeth came racing back down the hall and skidded to a halt, arms full of bandages and a metal bucket hanging from her arm. "I think I got everythin' we need, did you figure out how to fix him?"

"I think so, but to do this I need to be able to touch the wound, which isn't that big of a problem thankfully." Naamah replied while pulling a dagger from its place on her thigh. "So Percy I'm going to have to cut your shirt," at his look she continued with a roll of her eyes, "I'll get you another one now hold still and try not to pass out on me, alright?"

Percy huffed again, weaker this time Naamah noticed. "I'll try my best."

"Glad to know you haven't lost your sarcasm." Naamah finished peeling the bandage away from the wound which was still slowly bleeding. "This might hurt."

"Just get on with it."

Naamah cast one last look at the book before muttering unintelligible words under her breath while pressing her hand to the open wound, a soft glow came from her palm and a moment later the bleeding stopped.

Elizabeth was quick to clean the area and place another bandage over it, while Naamah leaned back. Neither adult said anything, and when she was done Elizabeth stood up and eyed both of them carefully.

"Ya look like you're gonna pass out Nana." She pointed out not moments before Naamah actually did, Elizabeth had to rush forward to keep her friend from busting open her head on the tea table. She lowered her to the floor and carefully laid her head down. Naamah seemed alright, but that spell must have used more energy then she thought.

Knowing she would be unable to lift her Elizabeth left Naamah on the floor then turned her attention to Percy, who also seemed to have passed out. He did look a bit less pale, Elizabeth noticed. Sighing slightly, she checked them both more thoroughly to make sure they didn't die before going into the kitchen.


Waking up Naamah groaned, it was like she had been hit by a horse. What happened? 

"Naamah, you still with us?"

Opening her eyes slowing, she took in the birch ceiling before her mind registered a voice talking to her.

"I'm fine." She replied while carefully pushing herself up into a seated position. "What happened?"

"Ya passed out," Elizabeth moved into view, her head tilted slightly. "You're lucky ya didn't crack your skull on the table."

Glancing to her side she noticed Percy was now laying on his uninjured side, sound asleep.

"Oh, I didn't think the spell would take so much out of me." Naamah stood on unstable legs, her long tail coming to curl around her waist. "How is he?"

"That spell worked wonders Nana, I think he's just worn out now." Elizabeth offered the tiefling her arm, to which Naamah gratefully accepted, and the duo made their way to the unoccupied chair that Elizabeth moved next to the couch.

"Can't say I blame him." She commented, settling into the chair. "We've had a rather eventful week."

Elizabeth's eyebrows shot up. "So you've mentioned. Are ya ever gonna tell me what happened?"

"It doesn't seem like we have much else to do for now," Naamah shrugged and Elizabeth's face lit up, she quickly sat on the floor by Naamah's feet like an eager child, causing Naamah to chuckle. "Alright, so it started about a little over a week ago."


Hello readers, sorry for being absent. I hope you like this chapter that I wrote in one sitting after having most of chapter 2 written already but decided I didn't like it. Really have no idea where I'm taking this story at this point to be honest with you. Can't promise when the next chapter will be out but hopefully soon. Sorry if it was OOC and/or bad.

Thanks jbjb676767winchester you're awesome :)


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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