chapter 3 rewrite

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Author speaking
Bold text:you duh
Italic text:author speaking pov or an monsters pov
Underlinr:monster speaking
🚫 ☢️

        DOOR 019
bored and lonely
You were still thinking about the incident long ago
Who was that?
You then open the next door
Dang it..The door's lock..
You then decided to explore the room to find the key
(Yabba dabba dabba)
Where the fu©k is that key.
It was on the floor(u blind person that sounds like figure)
there it is!
U then quickly pick it up and unlock the door

The room dosent have any lights
Pitch dark.
You Have Nyctophobia
An extreme fear of the dark.
The name comes from Greek Word for night.
Children and adults who have Nyctophobia may have also fear being alone in the dark. They have anxiety in dark places,they may also have trouble sleeping in a darkend room.
(Holy sh1t why did i have to explain this🧍)
  God..Why this
You then go inside the room full of darkness...
You fear of whats hiding in the dark...

(Anyway hi🧍)


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