Chapter 67 This family has him without me

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    In the blink of an eye, summer is getting hotter, and the annual defense is approaching. I am busy instructing the students on their graduation thesis. Shang Muxiao started a week-long closed training because he needs to get in touch with the team as soon as possible.

    It is clear that both of them are in Qingwan, but they can only contact each other by phone every day.

    I'm fine, but Shang Muxiao doesn't seem to be used to it, and keeps urging me to see him. Complaining that without it, I would not be able to eat well and live well, and everyone would lose weight.

    I knew he was training, but I didn't know that I thought he was in prison.

    I finally agreed to visit him on Sunday and pick him up and go home with me.

    He counted on his fingers, and when he counted it would take three days, he started to make a fuss again. I had no choice but to coax him like a child, picking out what he loved to say, such as "I like you the most", "I miss you too", "I can't sleep without you"... I said so for a dozen times Within minutes, he was happy, and I was almost numb to death by myself.

    Of course he wasn't really complaining. In the future, he will go to all over the country and even the world to compete. This kind of separation is inevitable. Even if he is only in his early twenties, he will not feel that adult love should stick together all the time. He just likes to hear me say these things .

    When I got out of the elevator, I stopped in amazement in the direction of the office.

    I thought that after getting back together with Shang Muxiao, maybe Shang Lu would come to me, and Shang Yunrou would come to me, but I never thought that Fang Qinian would come.

    He leaned leisurely against the office door, staring down at the toes of his shoes, beating the beat on the ground that only he knew.

    As soon as I approached, he stopped and looked up.

    "You're finally back." He smiled and greeted me like an old friend.

    I went up to open the office door and asked, "Why are you here?


    Afterwards, he seemed to take root on my sofa and sat there all afternoon. He didn't say why he came, or when he would leave, and even learned to make tea by himself.

    I sent a message to Shang Muxiao to explain the situation, but he may be in training, his phone is not with him, and he hasn't replied to me for a long time.

    When it was time for me to get off work, Fang Qinian looked at the time, got up and said that it was getting late, we can go to dinner.

    I don't even know how he could say this so naturally.

    "What?" Fang Qinian had no self-consciousness at all, "Aren't you hungry? Let's go, let's go eat delicious food, I invite you."

    I was noncommittal about his invitation and asked, "Why did you come to see me? What are you doing?"

    He hooked my shoulders and walked out: "Oh, let's talk while eating."

    There happened to be a street behind the school full of restaurants, so I randomly chose a stir-fry restaurant that didn't seem to have many families, and brought Fang Qinian Sit down by the window.

    "I said I was treating guests, why did you choose this place?" He could see that he was holding back his disgust, and kept wiping the table in front of him with a paper towel, and wiped his bowls and chopsticks over and over again.

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