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"Where... am I?"

Your eyelids felt heavy and droopy, so much that you had issues actually opening your eyes to see where you were. The air around you felt stuffy and thick to say the least, almost like a strange viscous liquid that kept you immobilised. Finally, you managed to open your eyes — only to find darkness surrounding you like a never-ending shroud.

You gasped and attempted to flail around in discomfort, just wanting to get some feeling back into your limbs. Desperation became evident in your wild struggling when your eyes slowly noticed how the world around you was shifting: at first, a bright mess of colours almost blinded you — but then, each and every colour shifted into shapes that slowly but surely depicted a school's hallway.

The hallway seemed eerily familiar to you, but you were left no time to dwell on it since you were soon dropped to the floor like a limp doll. Finally, you huffed and gasped for air as you rose to your feet, wobbly and queasy. Your eyes wandered around the area, empty of any life aside from you.

Everything looked so real... but there still was something strange about your environment.

And then it dawned on you: This was the very hallway you used to walk through every day when you were still in college.

"Leave me alone, (Y/n)."

Your eyes grew in size, and you immediately snapped around to see where the voice had come from. Without hesitating, you set into motion and ventured closer to the source that you were sure came from around the corner. Your legs felt strangely heavy, as if something invisible was weighing you down. Still, you pushed onward with your curiosity being your fuel.

Finally, you rounded the corner and found a surprising scene unfolding in front of you. A group of girls, lead by one girl in particular, seemed to be picking on another one — and you immediately realised who they were.

Tiffany and you.

A gasp escaped your lips as you walked closer, feeling your heart drop in fear at what was about to come. This particular memory — one of the few you had wholeheartedly regretted for the majority of your life — was being acted out in front of your very own eyes.

You shook your head and were about to turn around and briskly walk away, but an invisible force caused your soles to stay glued to the floor. It was only with horror that you realised you had to watch the scene unfold in front of you, and a choked gasp escaped your lips once again.

This (Y/n) and Tiffany looked much, much younger than you were now — still unscathed and free of trauma that your future lives would bring.

(Y/n) had a large grin on her lips as she crossed her arms and glared down at Tiffany. "How's your mom doing?" (Y/n) asked, her voice laced with sarcasm and haughtiness.

You winced and closed your eyes in horror, now forced to shut your eyes and pray that everything would be over soon. Shame and regret bubbled up inside of you, and you could already feel ugly voices flaring up in your mind, scolding and screaming at you for your horrible attitude during college. Involuntarily, your hands tightened into fists as you did your best to endure the guilt and shame that you were forced to feel — and rightfully so.

Tiffany gritted her teeth and turned away from (Y/n) and her group of friends who looked just as arrogant as their leader did. The blonde clutched her bag close to her chest, walking away with a down-cast gaze. "I said leave me alone..." she whispered, angered yet fearful, too. You furrowed your eyebrows, tears already brimming in the corners of your eyes, knowing what would come next.

Shattered Inside (Yandere!Cheater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now