Chapter 6

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"Bye Liam. I'll see you again soon." I say waving merrily as I walked out of Liam's room.

"Bye Crystal." He says smiling at me.

I keep on smiling back until I leave the room and shut the door.

As soon as the door is closed I fall and crumble.

I shatter.

My own father has forgotten me. He doesn't know me. He doesn-

"Crystal?" I hear a voice call.

I looked forward and see Jax walking down the hallway towards me with concern plastered upon his face.

"Are you alright ?" he questioned concerned.

I smile at the words. That was exactly what I said to him when we first met. So I quote his answer.
"Does it look like I am alright?" I answer smirking slightly.

Jax looks at me embrassed. "Your right, stupid question to ask." He looks at me confused for a moment. "Wait, didn't you say that before or am I getting a false sense of daija vu."

"Yup. I said that. In fact we just repeated our first few sentences to each other but we reversed roles. Now you get to be the embrassed girl who gets picked on by the big mean ugly bully she met at therapy." I say laughing.

Jax looked at me utterly and completely shocked.

"How dare you call me ugly?!?" He all but shouts. "Look at me do I look ugly to you?" He says gesturing to his face and body.

"Okay, fine, wait a minute let me check." I pause and check him out for a moment. "Yup, still ugly." I say just as I break out laughing.

"Well, you can talk, have you looked in the mirror lately?" He questions.

I continue laughing. "At least I never considered myself hot stuff in the first place unlike yourself who you think is hot stuff when you are actually not even classified as stuff." I laugh.

Jax just stands there staring at me in complete and utter shock once again.

"Do you want some ice with that burn." I giggle.

"Not cool dude, not cool." He utters dead panned.

"What? The little baby can't take it?" I ask.

"I can take a lot more than that." He says raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

We both look at each other at the same time and say: "That's what she said." And laugh.

Once we had calmed down from our laughing fit, Jax comes and sits next to me with his back leaning against my father's room door and looks me straight in the eye.

"So what happened?"

I am a little shocked to say the least that he just came right out there and asked me that question but also I feel admiration at his bluntness and boldness.

Just because of those two qualities he seems to endure, I want to tell him. Tell him everything, so I do just that.

"My mum committed suicide by drowning herself in her own blood in the bathtub when she cut herself because my father, Liam, gained depression and turned to alcohol and became abusive and then finally cheated on her with her own twin sister. " I say emotionless.

Jax just stares at me, waiting to see if I wanted to continue. And I do. I need this. So I continue the hard, sorrowful painful trip down memory lane.

"Then when she died, my father got even worse and that was when he was sent to a therapist who told us that he had depression. My father got better or was trying to numerous times, but each and every time I said something about mum, blaming him for her dying which triggered it back again. My Aunt Tina, my mum's twin sister helped my father and I once I forgave her for what she did and we were actually doing okay, until I exploded one day and blamed my father over and over again about my mum's death. Telling him about how I found her in a tube of blood. I kept on saying it until he eventually snapped. Until he was completely and utterly lost. Until what was left of him died." I say all of this crying. Tears continually run down my face, coating it with the scent of wet salty tears.

"He forgot everything thing. Me, mum, Aunt Tina, and even himself. I have really lost him and it is all my fault." I cry leaning onto Jax, gripping onto his arms like a vine grips onto a branch. Too afraid that if I let go, I will lose my grip on everything, I hold on. I hold onto my only lifeline. Hoping, no praying, that he will save me from myself. From my fractured, broken self.

Shattering CrystalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora