Chapter5:Working with Steelheart

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After the fight with Superman I flew to my house and took off my mask to reveal my scars as I was looking in mirror.

(Y/N POV)After the fight with Superman I flew to my house and took off my mask to reveal my scars as I was looking in mirror

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(Only the bruises are on your face, you put the bandages on afterwards)

I start putting bandages on my face and once I'm done with that I go to my room and stare into the mirror showing no emotion once so ever.

Around 30 minutes later I turn around and lay down on my bed and drift off to sleep.

(Steelheart POV)
I was in my headquarters watching the news and seeing this masked guy fighting the only two that are in my way of ruling Metropolis.

"Hmm this guy seems interesting, I should have some of the other epics look into this guy more" Steelheart said to himself.

He opened his laptop and started looking up information about the incidents in Kansas, and what this figure is. He finds out the figure is called Brightburn, from a Article written by the Daily Planet. It says they don't know who or what the figure is, but if they see it call 911 immediately.

"Well Mr. Brightburn it looks like I will be visiting you, I hope you accept my offer," He said with a evil smile.

(Time skip Next Day)
(Brightburn POV)
I sat up from my bed looking at myself in the mirror for about 20 minutes before getting ready for the day. I put on the outfit I usually wear and go downstairs for breakfast.

(Same Clothes He usually wears)I walk downstairs and open the fridge to see I have nothing at all to eat, I check the cabinets and realize that I have no food

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(Same Clothes He usually wears)
I walk downstairs and open the fridge to see I have nothing at all to eat, I check the cabinets and realize that I have no food.
'Looks like I'm eating out today' He thought to himself as he got on his shoes, tucked his mask in his pocket and walked out the door.

(Time skip 15 minutes later)
I arrive at a restaurant called Dragons Cafeteria and sit down to order something to eat.
"Hello sir Welcome to Dragons Cafeteria, What would you like to eat?" The waiter asked in a calm tone. I was looking through the menu and found chocolate covered pancakes.

"I would like to order 2 chocolate covered pancakes and a water" I said
"Ok sir is that all" The waiter asked, "Yes that is all" I said in a emotionless tone. The waiter walked away from the table and I started watching the TV that was in the room.

"Well I don't know what this figure it but it is extremely dangerous" A familiar voice said that pissed me off to the point that I wanted to destroy this restaurant. Standing there living a perfect life, with everything he wants that bitch Karen is probably still with his ugly ass.

 Standing there living a perfect life, with everything he wants that bitch Karen is probably still with his ugly ass

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(What he looks like on the news)

Every time I look at him I wanna grab his skull and crush it in the palm of my hand. But I keep myself calm to not draw attention to myself.

(Time skip brought to you by a chibi bright burn beating the snot out of chibi Wally west"

After finishing my food and paying I leave the restaurant thinking of what I am going to do for the rest of the day until I see smoke rising into the sky from not that far away. I put on my mask and start flying towards the smoke. Once I get there I see a burning building with firefighters surrounding the building. I drop onto the room and punch the roof hard enough to make myself a area where I can drop it.
After I drop in I look around to see if anyone is left in the building.

 After I drop in I look around to see if anyone is left in the building

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(BTW your a anti hero in this)

I fly around to see if anyone is in here when I here a voice.

???: "Hello Brightburn"

I turn around to see a guy with long hair a grey shirt, black plants, and silver cape looking directly at me.

I turn around to see a guy with long hair a grey shirt, black plants, and silver cape looking directly at me

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Y/N: "Who are you and what do you want?"

You say defensively getting your laser eyes ready.

???: "My name is Steelheart and I have a proposition for you"

The figure says while smiling maliciously, your eyes are no longer red.

Brightburn: "You have 5 minutes, now tel me what it is."
You demanded clenching you fist so tight that if you were human you would have broke your hand.

Steelheart: "I want you to help me kill Superman and Power Girl, and if you do I will bring you Wally West"
He says in a calm yet evil sounding tone.

Brightburn: "And how do I know your telling the truth"

I said while giving him a serious stare.

Steelheart: "Because of this"

He shows you a picture of a brutally beaten Wally West.

Steelheart: "Now do you accept my deal, or will I have to do it myself"

He asked sternly

(Well everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I tried my best to make the conversation better. I will see you in the next chapter, and if you don't know where Steelheart came from he is from the reckoners boom trilogy. He's not that popular so I used him. Anyways, there will be fight scenes next chapter. Bye!

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