part 6-truth

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Raghav:woh ah humare ek building mei woh thik hai ek dum

Ks: lekin woh kaise? Ammi toh bimar thi na

Raghav:nhi woh hua Yun ke  I made an old age home for old people...but my old age home wasn't working no one came to leave their parents...not even for some I will have to close it down unless I get 2 or 3 old age person till the end of the month
So I made a plan..I saw your maddam sir Ammi few days ago I decided to mix a chemical in her one of the drinks with which her health won't be good for some hours.. and out of stress your Ms eventually admitted her

Ks:oh now I get it so you kidnapped her... and kept her there by telling maddam sir that her Ammi is no more..

Raghav:yes that was exactly my plan...
But also after the end of the month I would have called your maddam sir telling her that her Ammi was alright...

Ks:and till that what would have happened to my Ms...

Raghav:am sorry it was just a slight joke....

Ks:you see that as a joke...topa admi hai yeh Pushpa ji

Ps:you are a real stupid person...can you much pain this caused maddam sir... This few hours...she didn't say anything she didn't smile she didn't eat she didn't sleep and now she is in the hospital...

Ks:can you even imagine how hard it was for her...I never saw her broken like that and you want your old age home to function if you do things like that.....

Raghav:I had no choice ma'am

Ks:huh leave it ..Pushpa ji bring him to thana ....let's see what maddam sir does with him ....

Ps:but first tell me where is her Ammi?

Raghav told the location....

Ks:only Ammi can bring our maddam sir back ....let's go find her...

Ks goes to the location and there >>>
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