(Rewritten) The Origin of Dr. Pouf

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The origin of Dr. Pouf

By: Isaac_draws_535

In the city people lay asleep, resting peacefully in their beds, dreaming sweet dreams without a care in the world. All while the creatures of the night scurry along invisible paths to who knows where. Rats, cockroaches, spiders, all hunting. In an alleyway the rats burrow into a still corpse, feasting on its flesh, drawn to it by the smell of blood. I watch them from the shadows, feeling nothing as I look upon them and the corpse in front of me.

The man that lay still was my victim, he had been the man who killed me and so I had gotten my revenge. If anything I felt a slight joy at seeing him in such a pathetic state.

I knew I couldn't go back to my old life, I was no longer human, and I no longer followed human laws. I'm no better than the rats. And so I go into the sewers and sit and think about what has led me to this moment.

I had a normal life, I had a normal job, or atleast what was normal to me. I worked as a scientist that made both toxic and safe chemicals. And as bad as it is, we unfortunately used rats and the occasional rabbit as our test subjects for those chemicals. Leading to a painful death for many of our victims.

Because of this I hated my job, I hated seeing the rats twist and squeal in agony. And I just wanted it to all end. But the pay for my job was good, and apartments and places to live were expensive in the city. So I stayed, despite loathing my job. The corpse in front of me, my lab partner, Dr. Howard Mendren. We had never gotten along. He always caused trouble for me in the lab, purposefully spilling or messing up my work. My name is Dr. Alexander Pouf, and this is how I died, this is how I became a monster.

The day had started like any other, my alarm blaring to get me awake and me groaning as I got up, not wanting to go into work. Yawning, I clumsily got out of bed and shuffled to my closet, getting my clothes for the day, a simple black sweater and some brown slacks. I lazily put them on.

I then got my hairbrush and pulled my long fluffy orange hair into a ponytail. A requirement for work as working in a lab can be highly dangerous. After a quick cup of coffee and some toast I opened my med cabinet and pulled out an orange bottle. I shoved some antidepressants into my mouth with a groan and swallowed them down with the last of my coffee, they tasted like cardboard. And so, i was ready for work, i went on the bus, which took an hour. And then I had finally arrived.

I always arrived early to work, so Mendren wasn't there yet. Being the first to arrive at the lab it was my job to feed the rats, and so I did. Unlike my lab partner I enjoyed the rats' company, to me they were the most friendly and playful creatures there could be. I enjoyed taking care of them, occasionally on breaks I would take one out of its cage and play with it. Mendren always got annoyed by this, but I didn't care. Sometimes while I worked I even let a rat hang out on my shoulders. I was always careful with them when I did this.

Unfortunately it was still my job to test on them. This made my stomach churn and made me feel sick just thinking about torturing the small balls of fur. And yet I was still a fool and stayed working in the lab.

I held one of the white rats in my hands, stroking its soft fur, my mind wandering off into weird places as I waited for Mendren to arrive at the lab. I was so lost within my own mind that I hadn't noticed when he had arrived. "Did you feed the rats, Alexander?"

I jumped a little and stood up.i looked at him as he sat some coffee on his desk and I told him that i had. I then opened the cage of the little guy I was holding, putting him back in his home. I gathered the papers on my desk with the information of the projects we were working on, and what we needed to do that day. I then discussed the work we had to do with Mendren. Hours went by as we worked, mixing chemicals and measuring liquids. Eventually it was time to go home. So we did what was necessary to clean the lab, and make sure all the chemicals were in their proper places and couldn't spill. I gathered my things together and I went on my way to my small apartment.

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