Marionettes Blood Thirsty For Love

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Marry dressed in snow white with hair as black as coal played with her dolls with a smile thirsty for love heard from her room her parents arguing again and heard the shattering of glass as her mother muffled sobs gasped for air and her father trying to keep his raspy voice from yelling out she remembered parents telling him no matter what you hear dear don't open the door were just talking very loudly you don't have to worry just keep playing these are discretion is only for grownups. But she couldn't stop thinking that maybe this all started because she told mommy daddy kissed her stepsisters mom but her thoughts are cut short when daddy walked in her room and close the door behind him

Daddy: "hi my little Marinette you know daddy and mommy have been not very happy together and you know I
love you with all my heart but daddy has to go away for a while"

Marry: "for how long you promised you would take me to see pooh I don't want you to go dad you've been gone for too long already and when you are home you are never around to play with me please don't go please I'll be good I'll clean up my toys I'll stop picking on the kids at school I'll learn to tie my shoes" I said to daddy with tears in my eyes trying not to cry mommy said crying fix nothing only shows pain and defeat
Daddy: "honey don't cry I'm only going to be at your sisters house for a little while until things calm down I'll come and see you I'll take you to school nothing will change I still love you"
Marry: "you alway chooses Charlotte first and me second what's so great about her not me I can change dad I really can you want me to be different I could cut my hair act differently I could be nice or I'll do anything just please don't leave"
Daddy: "it doesn't mean I don't love you I go to Charlotte because she's just young and needs more attention your older Merry you can do things on your own now and you have your mother Charlotte doesn't have a father and she needs me you had to father for eight years now it's Charlotte turn it will all be okay I won't be gone for long please try to understand"
Marry: feeling saddened by what her father said to her she felt like her heart was ripping from the inside out and she felt that if the sooner he left the sooner he'd be back so she put on a brave face and said "yes daddy I do understand but please do call for before I go to bed"
Daddy: "of course my Marinette Ill miss your sweet kisses it will only be a couple days I promise I'll be back soon"
with that all said she saw from her bedroom window her father pulling out the driveway holding back tears knowing that she'll see her father soon . Daddy didn't come back in a couple of days but he did call every night so I thought I never really got the to talk to him I only got the messages that's how it was until my tenth birthday he came by the house and brought to me my favorite movie from Winnie the Pooh but he brought someone along my eight year old sister from their on where daddy went so did Charlotte daddy couldn't go to my recitals it was because Charlotte had a recital and he always say next time sweetie tell mommy to videotape it for me I watch when I get home but it's really never was the same the time passed and little by little I felt as though I never really had a father it was always Charlotte this Charlotte that well i'm just sick of Charlotte well on my 11th birthday I decided to give Charlotte a little present in a little box with the pink bow was her dead pussycat she was flabbergasted by what she saw and I could almost remember the screams "daddy daddy. Mary killed my kitty" but it only brought me satisfaction for 25 seconds because from there on dad never really looked at me the same again he said "what type of young little girl could kill such a sweet innocent thing" well what type of daddy could abandon such a sweet innocent thing like me
From there on it didn't matter to compete with Charlotte at anything if daddy wanted Her to be his New marionette then she should just be that I spent two years planning her a special present. On Charlotte's 13th birthday I called her my room and told her I had a surprise for her before her birthday party started as she innocently walked in my room like a baby. Lamb I closed the door and prepared her for her marionette show.

~20 mins later the show was about to begin ~
Mary: "ladies and gentlemen today on Charlotte's 13th birthday I have a little play called the Daddy Little marionette" the mommy and daddy clapped for her introduction as did the guest and Marry slowly pulled the curtain to revealed dead pale little Charlotte dressed in a cute dress with ribbons and bows tied by the arms and legs with white string next to Charlotte was a a stereo Mary with a smile on her face pressed play and out came a song by Marry her self.

"Mary had a little sister little sister little sister with checks red roses every where daddy went daddy went she was sure to go she followed him to work one work one day which was against the rules made the worker smile and say "what a cute little girl" it made the workers laugh and smile laugh and smilie all day so the Boss said send her home send her home but she still stayed and played why does daddy love Charlotte so Charlotte Charlotte so that the eager workers cry Charlotte loves daddy so daddy so that she brakes Mary's heart
Mary had a little sister little sister little sitter with checks red as roses every where daddy went daddy went she was sure to follow Mary had a little sister little sister with blood red as roses Mary's little troubles disappeared,disappeared,disappeared as Mary's little sister little sister little sister daddy's little girl little girl was gone for good this is where happy story ends story ends story ends".

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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