Chapter 1

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(This is my first story I'm posting that I actively work on btw these first few chapters are just fillers i already have most planned out)

New beggingins

I'm on my way to my new summer "program". Moving states wasn't really on my summer wishlist but it's fine, I'm not taking shit from anyone this year. I mean who switches schools before their last year of high school? My sophomore year was absolute chaos, my life went to shit. This year it'll be different. I don't gotta worry about anything right now though.

I'm finally here. I'm saying that like it's far from my new house but it isn't. This is my chance to make friends before school starts. I'm not that good at making friends, it just happens so I'll be fine.

The building I stand in front of is not that big. It's like concrete... I don't know, but it's definitely ugly. Kind of old looking, like a shopping center. Looks like Maryland. The only new thing around has to be the disgustingly ugly welcome mat or the shiny clear automatic sliding doors. Either way, Whoever made these horrendous design decisions should have a bounty on their heads.

I sighed and walked in making sure both of my feet rub against the scratchy welcome mat. The automatic doors open and I step in. The smell of dust and cleaning solution engulfed me. I ALMOST COUGHED.Bro it's literally a school hallway. I look around and I connect with a pair of eyes. The desk lady asked, "How may I help you?"

Her eyes were huge.

I walk over and center myself in front of the desk "hello, I'm here for the summer activities."

She does not move at all and keeps her eyes on me. I pull my Hoodie string just a little, maybe it'll make the awkward silence go away. "And what grade are you in sweetie?".


She looks down and takes a pink paper from the drawer under her ridiculously messy desk,must be a boring job. "First and last name please" She magically pulls a pen from the desk "My name's Maria park". "Well Maria park you're quite late" She seems nice.


I'm walking down the hallway to my classroom and I replay what the desk lady said in my head "take a left second hall on the right" I'm so tired... I reach the door, it's decorated with "11th" in big yellow letters with trees and little stick people doing little stick-person activities in the park.

I open the door and see less than 20 people my age, late my ass. There must not be a lot of people coming here up to this grade,probably doing summer jobs or literally anything else. I realized I was standing in the doorway and there were a lot of eyes on me. I step inside and look around, closing the door behind me.

This room is so much more comfortable than a regular school classroom. There's a library area with beanbags and a rug, a Couch with a TV on a stand in front of it, a switch behind it, and an Xbox on one of the shelves, then there was a table area with pencil bins on it. There's no one at the table so I go towards and pull out a seat.

Everyone in the room is either in the library area, standing by the teacher's desk, or watching some silly show on the TV. No one here looks like the instructor.

I pull out my phone and start scrolling on TikTok. The endless videos draw me in and I'm distracted for a few minutes. I hear the door open and everyone looks up towards the door at once.

There's a tall lady with long wavy hair down her back,her skin was golden. She's wearing cargo shorts and a shirt with a badge sewn on. I can't read what it says though. Her boots spike her height but I bet she's tall without them too. "Good morning.." She looks around the room with a nervous look.

She walks over to the desk shooing away everyone there. By this time the room is completely silent.. "Uh so you all probably weren't expecting me, but my name is Miss Shaper" She takes a seat at the desk and turns on the computer . I'll pretend I knwo who we were supposed to be expecting.

"I know you were expecting mister carpenter but he's uh...Facing some challenges well I mean he's not gonna be around for a while." Damn. The room is silent for a while but goes back to normal when the TV unpauses. I start to reopen my phone.

(Thank you for reading I know it'll be boring at first but just gimme a chance Loll😭)

The Sky Files (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora