Prodigy's POV

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We sat at breakfast talking loan nonsense at the table while eating. Right now the current conversation was about Miala's cooking skills. I didn't see the big deal. The girl could cook simple as that.

The conversation continued to we all finally found out who Ray was dating. I had to laugh but held it in.

Miala seem to notice and looked over at me. She had a habit of doing that. She always had been antsy around me.

I don't know why really. But hey it's whatever. Then suddey Miala asked the question I had been dreading for years. Did any of us have a girl? I became rigid. No I wouldn't talk about her. No she was irrelevant now. Our relationship was over.

I chanted this over and over in my head. But it was useless. I could still see her face in my mind and that angered and saddened me at the same time. The table went silent and I knew everyone was looking at me with pity.

I hated that. I pushed my plate away and headed to my room. You know what I needed to drive to clear my head.

I hopped into my car and just drove without really thinking where. When I finally noticed were I was I was back at the park I first met Daniella. I sighed and dragged my hands down my face.

Why couldn't I forget her? She forgot me. So why was it that I couldn't let go? She had moved on it was clear as day. She didn't want me anymore.


I woke feeling happy that morning. Today was me and  Daniella's third year of being together. I couldn't wait to show her what I had planned for us today. I was gonna go to her house and take her to breakfast. Then, we would go walking along the pier at the beach and lastly dinner and I would ask her to marry me at the pier.
I got ready for the day and headed to Daniella's house. Her mom opened the door for me and I found Dani already dressed and eating some cereal. Morning babe I said. Hi babe she said. I handed her the flowers, teddy bear,and chocolate happy third anniversary baby I said. She looked at me with surprise and something else I couldn't describe. Thank you she said. She gave me a quick kiss and put away my gifts. You ready to go I said? She nodded and we headed to 21BrunchCrunch it was a small homey restaurant downtown. So what's up I said looking at Dani? She was too quite. That was never like her. It's nothing she said. I just dropped the subject she'd tell me when we was ready. After breakfast we walked along the pier and we had a man sketch our picture. By the time we came back to her house it was around seven o'clock. I'll be back in two hours I said kissing her lips. She nodded and closed the door to my car. I waited til she got in and then pulled off to go get ready.

I reached Dani's house and like always her mom Ms. Tamela opened the door for me. You nervous she said? A little. I gripped the box that held the ring. Good luck she whispered. Just then Alexander, Dani's brother ran downstairs. I present to you Dani he yelled! We looked up to see Dani in a cream bedazzled mermaid dress coming down the stairs. My jaw dropped and I began to get a hard on. Awwwwe shhhhiittt. You look breathtaking babe I said grabbing her hand. Thank you. We got in the car and I waved to Ms.Tamela and Alexander.

We sat down for dinner at the restaurant and my hands became clammy. This was not the time man. I cleared my throat. So you wanna tell me what was going on earlier today? She looked at me with a blank expression. No not really. Alright I said. I was kinda irritated with her behavior but I just put it aside. Our waiter came and we ordered.

Our meal had ended and we were just looking at each other. This was the perfect time. I sighed and got up. Dance with me I said. She grabbed my hand and we went outside to a little gazebo to dance as the band played a soft tune. I held my girlfriend in my arms and I wanted this moment to last forever. Daniella you know I love you right? She pulled away from me and looked at me questionably. Yes she said.  Alright man make your move. Daniella I met you at a park while you were taking out your brother and I my niece. You were just sitting there laughing at your brother while he tried to act manly I said. And I admired you for that. You saw the goodness in everything. Then finally I had the guts to ask you out and you said yes. Then later on you became my girl. One of the best days of my life. And now we've been together for three years going strong so Daniella Tamara Lakely will you marry me and become my wife? She gasped and looked at me. She didn't say anything but just looked at me. Oh shit I began to panick. We don't have to marry anytime soon but... Prodigy.... I can't marry you. My breathing stopped and I think I stopped hearing too. Wait what I said? I can't marry you. We're going on different paths. Your about to be famous and I'll just be regular old me. I have no problem with that I said. And.. she took a deep breath. I was pregnant. I stopped breathing. I was pregnant she began crying. I would be three months but the other day I was in the shower and blood came out and the doctor said I had a miscarriage. I got to my feet and held her as she sobbed into my shirt. Why didn't you tell me I said? I was but that same day you all got you all's contracts and you were so excited. I didn't want to disappoint you. Having a baby would stop your career before you even started it. And I didn't want that to happen. I didn't  want to be a burden to you she sobbed out. You could never be a burden to me I said holding up her face. I just can't she said. She pulled away from me. Prodigy we can't be together anymore and with that she ran off leaving me with a broken heart and a ring in my pocket.

I didn't even notice I was crying til I felt the tears drop on my hand. I quickly wiped them away and went back to the house.


I think this is the saddest chapter I ever wrote. I shed a tear writing this.

Poor Prodigy

Also anyone who actually knows his real name can you plz tell me it cause I have no idea. LOL

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Xoxoxoxo juicy

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