Chapter Ten

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~Two Weeks Later~

"Today's the day." Alex grinned. Zack lifted his head off of his arms and looked at us. "What day?" Rian grinned and raised his eyebrow, "Alice, are you asking Hayley out today?" I nodded and Jack tilted his head. "What's the plan?" I was getting ready to reply, but he interrupted, "Can we have Taco Bell for dinner?" I laughed and recited my plan to them. I think everyone knew we were sorta together. I knew Hayley though. She wanted something cheesy yet memorable. I was going to try and give her that. Their set was going to start soon so I hurried to the venue. "Hayley! Wait up!" I yelled at the now bleached blonde Hayley. "Alice!" She smiled and ran toward me, jumping in my arms. "I didn't think you were coming..." She looked around and pouted. "It doesn't seem like the boys are either." She rolled her eyes, "And i'm the one that's always late." I laughed and set her down, "Well... You were late to Christmas dinner... That you planned." She blushed, "That was one time." She kissed my cheek and I smiled. "Well, I've gotta go up and talk until the boys get back." I nodded, "Good luck." She smiled and hugged me again before jogging onto the stage. "Well, it seems that Jeremy and Taylor are the late ones for once." I walked back to the little area they told me to meet them and waited. They soon appeared from behind the curtain. "The Only Exception, right?" Jeremy asked as Taylor tuned a guitar for me. "Right." He nodded, "You'll do the intro acoustically and then as we start playing the curtain here will rise." I smiled and hugged him, "You guys should get out there before she freaks out." The nodded and Taylor flashed a smile. I listened to their set for awhile before I heard them start to speak. "Well that's it f-" Jeremy cut her off. "Actually.. we have a very special ending for the show. Cue guitar." I started playing and I heard the boys start to play. The curtain rose and Hayley's jaw dropped when she saw me standing there. As I sang I walked towards her slowly. She was blushing and smiling from ear to ear. We finished the song and I took the microphone from the stand, "Hayley, ever since we were younger I knew that all I wanted and needed in my life was you. I may have dated girls here and there but I knew it would never last. My heart belongs to you. You're my only exception," she turned a deep shade of red and bit her lip, "Hayley Williams, will you be my girlfrined?" I bit my lip and felt my heart race. Sure, I may have thought that things were going well, but this is the moment everything could change.

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