Title Page

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The Maltese Manuscript

(Book 6 of the LSD series)

The world's worst criminal vs. the world's worst spy. Literary, there's nothing better.

By: Ronaldo Siète

Nobody is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion. Man learns to hate, and when we can learn to hate, we can also learn to love. Because love is more natural to man than its opposite.

(Nelson Mandela)

(Nelson Mandela)

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Polderdam, 6th of January 2023

ISBN: 978-94-92389-30-5

Publisher: Editorial Perdido - at www.editorialperdido.eu

Author-right: @ 2022 by Ronaldo Siète - as @Ronaldo7Siete at

Author-right cover design @ 2022 by Katie Sharp - as @katieishere at (and yes, she's in this book)

Thanks to John, Maureen, Jet and the Wattpad community.

Cover text

Khalid el Bullít is the most dangerous terrorist on Earth. He deals deadly drugs to children, he feeds guns to warlords in countries where hunger rules, and he dreams of a nuclear attack on a major Western city, probably New York. It's not strange if you've never heard about him: the entire island of Malta protects Khalid's secret identity. But Khalid made one mistake and now the LSD is after him.

A manuscript about a maniac leads to a manhunt to save mankind. Is Malik, the writer of that manuscript, a pawn or a player? Does Khalid play with black or white? Sami, The Runner, should leave this mission to The Agent. Noxious Secrets are extremely bad for your health.

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