Panic Attack & Not A Date

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Anastasia smiled at Juliet who was sitting right across from her, they were sitting in a little quiet cafe in town. The cafe smelled of coffee, books, its was homey place to be. Anastasia knew that Juliet knew everything about her, everything she been through for the pass two years.

"Are you okay?" Juliet said, her hand squeezed hers, Anastasia smiled at her. But the smile didn't reach her eyes, the smile was a forced one. No!, Anastasia yelled in her head.

"Yeah," She whispered, her eyes blinked rapidly, Juliet knew she was trying to push back the tears trying to fall. "I don't know..." She whispered, her eyes looking out the window.

Justin saw her, he was sitting in his car. His windows were pitch black, he knew that she couldn't see him. He saw the tears in her eyes, he saw her friends hand reaching over to comfort her. He felt the pain in his heart, what is she doing to me? Justin thought.

"I know I never liked Justin, but now I know how much he means to you. It hurts to see you like this, so much." Juliet said to her. Anastasia let the tear fall, she quickly wiped it with the back of her hand.

"Its just... its hurts so much. It been two fucking years, I am can't forget him. I love him, I love him so damn much. It hurts everyday, the pain gets bigger everyday. I can't... I am losing it." Anastasia said, a sob left her lips.

"I know..." Juliet said, she could only say that. Anastasia looked away, she needed to go home.

"I am gonna go home." Anastasia said. Juilet nodded, she understood.

Anastasia got her things, walked out of the cafe. The cold air hitting her face, the pain was too much. She was soon going to get another panic attack, her chest was breathing hard. She was breathing hard, but the air was getting into her lungs. The tears soon were to fall. She looked around, looking for him, looking for him.

She started to walk faster, faster. She was gasping for a breathe, gasping for life. She made a turn to a alleyway, she drop her bag onto the floor. She was leaning against the wall, Justin was in the car parked across from the alleyway.

He wanted to help her, he wanted to tell her to breathe. Anastasia was breathing hard, her hands were shaking, sweat was on her forehead. Her lips parted, she was gasping for air. Tears were falling down her cheeks, Justin wanted nothing to save her. Anastasia felt as the world would fall on her.

Breathe, Breathe, Breathe Kitten. She heard Justin's voice in her head. "I can't breathe, Justin." Anastasia sob.

Breathe, Anastasia. Yes you can. His voice spoke in her head once again. "No I can't. You left me, and I can't breathe." Anastasia said, through each breath she was trying to gasp.

Breathe for me Kitten, Breathe. Please breathe. Justin's soft raspy voice spoke in her head. "I CAN'T!" She yelled. Her hands went to her head, Justin saw her. Justin saw her lips move.

Yes you can Kitten, breathe. What do we do when this happens? Justin said once again her mind. "We count together, w-w-we count to t-t-ten." Anastasia said through breaths. She was still trying gasp for air, she felt as the world was going to fall on her, her eyes would go dark.

That's right Kitten, let's count together now. "One..." Two "Three..." Four "Five..." Her lungs finally felt the air, she was breathing calmly. Six, His voice counted with her.

She let a sigh exhale her lips. I knew you can do it, you are so brave Kitten. "No I am not." Anastasia whispered, she let a chuckle escape her lips.

Anastasia looked to her side. There he sat with a smirk played on his lips. Wearing his black leather jacket and dark jeans. She knew it wasn't him, that it wasn't real. He felt so real. This is the only way she can see him.

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