⚜Part 9⚜

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"Finally, you're here." Scaramouche sighs. He opens the door to The Cat's Tail and you two enter.

"Arnold told me that weren't feeling well last night, how are you now?" He asks as he sits down at one of the tables. You smile and shake your head

"Oh, I'm fine. I'm feeling way better!" That was a lie. You had problems to even make out anything around you and there was a ringing in your ear.

 You had problems to even make out anything around you and there was a ringing in your ear

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You take a deep breath and plaster on a smile.

"Are you sure? You don't seem okay." He gazes at you and you break eye contact.

"I promise, I'm feeling fine." 

Scaramouche's eyes narrow, he definitely doesn't believe you.

Please stop worrying about me.

"Anyways, what do you want to order?"  You try to change the subject.

He clears his throat. "Well, I heard their pizza is quite good. I'm honestly not that hungry, mind if we just share one?"

You nod. "That sounds good, which pizza do you prefer?"

Scaramouche points to one of the options on the menu and you two order.

As you ate, a girl walks over to your table. She was the bartender of the Cat's Tail, but honestly looked to young to even work here.

"Hello, and welcome to the Cat's Tail. I'm Diona! May I ask you two if you'd like to participate in a game of 'Genius Invokation TCG'? It's quite popular around here!" She exclaims cheerfully.

You look over at Scaramouche and he looks back at you with a pleased expression.

You agree and start playing against Diona. Around 20 minutes later she has explained the card game and immediately beat Scaramouche and you.

"I give up, this is stupid." Defeated, the Balladeer lays back in his seat and sighs.

"Thank you for playing with us, Diona." She grins at you. "No problem! You are a lot more fun than Kaeya and Diluc. They only fight with eachother." You chuckle and politely say goodbye before leaving with Scaramouche. She waves after you two before returning to the bar.

Entering the hotel, you two head to your separate rooms.

You smile at the boy. "I had a lot of fun, thank you for today."

"No need." He mutters and scrunches his nose.

You giggle at his embarrassment. "Goodnight Scaramouche."

With that, you close your door. You felt a bit better, but the symptoms still haven't worn off.

*Flop* You fall onto your bed.

The painkiller bottle is still laying next to you and you grab them, only to notice that the bottle is empty.

"Noo...." You whine. 

In A Past Life (Scaramouchex(fem)reader)Where stories live. Discover now