Chapter 7 - To Kill An Annoying Pest

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Chapter 7 - To Kill An Annoying Pest

Sapphire's P.O.V.


     I was five seconds from beating the shit outta the guys.

     Here I was, sitting outside, enjoying the sun and warmth along with the bird chirping in the beautiful backyard. Not only that, but I was reading my all time favorite book, To Kill A Mockingbird.

     I was enjoying my morning...until the guys came rushing outside.

     "We're so sorry, Sapphire! We didn't mean to hurt you last night and-" that was all I heard before I blanked out and continued to read.

     "Oi!" I shouted when someone's foot hit my ankle. I put the bookmark back where it was and glared up at the guys.

     "What?" I asked.

     "Were you even listening to us?" asked my brother.

     "Yes, only thing is that, I don't care," I said.

     "Are you mad at us?" they asked at the same time.

     "No, I've gotten over it," I said as I put down my book when I noticed that I wasn't going to get far into the book with them around.

     "Oh thank God," they sighed. Before you know it, we were all sprawled out on the grass, looking up at the sky. Don't ask me how or when I went from sitting on the lounge chair to laying ground, because believe me, I. Have. No. Fucking. Idea.

     "Hey, when's your date with Charlie?" asked Ian. I looked over at him and shrugged.

     "Charlie texted me this morning saying around four or five o' clock," I said.

     "Who goes on a date that early?" asked Ethan.

     "Honestly, I kind of like it that early," I said. Everyone looked at me curiously.

     "But I thought girls like romantic shit," said Ethan.

     "I'm not an average girl, am I?" I asked.

     "Oh yeah," mumbled Logan, "I forgot."

     "Yeah, now let's get down to business," I said, grinning at them once they whined and groaned when they had an idea what I was going to talk about.

     "Can we not?" whined Jason.

     "How come you guys never told me that you found a girlfriend?!" I scolded.

     "Because we thought you were going to scare them away, like you did to Tina," said Logan.

     I cringed. "That was really a bitch move, wasn't it?"

     "Yes," came their chorused replies.

     "But you still should have told me, you guys know that I try to get along with people that mean something to you," I said softly. They all looked over at me with a guilty expression.

     "We're sorry, Sapphire. We just...we just didn't want to tell you just yet," said Ian.

     "You know, this can be a positive thing," I said, breaking the silence.

     "How so?" they all asked.

     "Well, now we can separate and do things on our own. I can spend time with Charlie, while you guys spend time with your girls," I said. I had noticed that Ethan tensed up a bit but relaxed when Jason shot him a look. I just ignored that brief moment.

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