The Runaway President's

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7:15 AM

Patterson Family home

 Shayla went down for breakfast. She sat down in her usual seat next to Cerys. Cerys looked at her with a mad/worried face


8:15 PM

 "What's going on Cerys?" Shayla said in a tired voice. Cerys quickly walked inside Shayla's room pushing her to the side "Close the door" he said. Shayla closed the door and looked at Cerys confused "I just overheard dad telling mom about your 'Ava situation' " He said, "" Shayla said confused "I know Ava..." Cerys said in an angered voice "What? How!?" Shayla said "She was 1 of the top investors of my app," Cerys said calming down "Ok..?" Shayla said still confused "She was supposed to invest over 100 MILLION IN THE APP" Cerys said in a calm voice "She just said she needed her rich ill Ireland dad to deposit her the money, but she never did. I called her almost every day but nothing, I called her bank and said that they too could not contact her. I eventually found out she not only scammed the bank but also other credit company's for the 100 MILLION she was suppost to invest" Cerys said "So she's a fraud?" Shayla said surprised and confused at the same time. "I looked into it. Turns out shes not only a scammer who lives in luxury houses but its not the first time this has happened. Shes a for-real scam artist. " Cerys said warningly "So you think she's not a spy but a scam artist?" Shayla said "Maybe or she could be both. " Cerys said "So basically what you're saying is I have some type of liar in my company in a high-level position?" Shayla said. Cerys nodded in response "Thank you for letting me know, I will be sure to handle it" Shayla said opening the door "So your just gonna kick me off this investigation?" Cerys said sounding flabbergasted "I mean she's in my company, and theres not a lot you can do working on your app" Shayla said explaining "So? Give me a position where I can monitor her " Cerys said proposing Shayla give him a job "You want to work at P&E?" Shayla said surprised "Well in the meantime yes" Cerys said slowly walking towards the door "I cant just give you the job. First you have to apply online then you get an interview. If we like you we'll call you back in 3-5 buisness days and we have you train for whatever position your applying for" Shayla said explaining "Skip to the part where you call me back and just train me" Cerys said going outside "I'll think about it" Shayla said jokingly as she closed the door Cerys put his foot bewteen the door "You better be joking" He said. Shayla laughed and closed the door

7:15 AM

The maids brought the plates to Shayla and Cerys. They both ate in silence. Shayla quickly finished and grabbed purse and her keys and headed to the garage. Cerys quickly followed her "What are you doing?" Shayla said looking back "Going to work with you" Cerys said catching up to her "Who said you got the job?" Shayla said opening the garage door and walking inside "I did" Cerys said walking inside next to Shayla "What job will you even do?" Shayla said quietly "I'll be the VP of Operations, you know your old job" Cerys said demanding "Excuse moi? Who even told you my old job was posted and that I hadn't found a replacement?!" Shayla said unlcoking her car "I read it off dads computer flash drive" he said holdin g it up "Fine I guess you can come" She said getting into the car. Quickly Cerys did the same. Shayla drove off to P&E

 Shayla drove off to P&E

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