hate hate HATE

16 3 0

I really really really really hate hate hate hate my phone I mean what happened was all I did was watching on YouTube and then It turn of on me
and I was clean my bed I took off my sheet and only fell like an inch and cracked the screen I mean really!!
I have dropped my phone like hard before and it never broke in this time it did I mean this is doesn't make no sense and people said I need to upgrade so I think I have to believe them
even the teacher said I need to upgrade.... ·_·
my mom's not a good mood right now so I don't want to tell her but if I keep this from her then I don't know what's going to happen. I hear her  banging something  and downstairs so...I'm afraid to go down there.
Ha ha good thing I saved this message because my phone just turned off on me!! Side kick
Well BYE
they might think I'm not responsible any more.... I broke two things already!! T-T

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