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(⚠️TW: Descriptions of violence.)

Jin asked Tae what he would like to eat and he'd make it. He expected him to ask for something fancy but instead he asked for homemade burgers and fries.

So he went about preparing all the ingredients and then molding the patties. He chopped up some lettuce, tomatoes and onions. Then cut the potatoes into thin slices for frying.

Tae tried to help but Jin insisted on doing everything himself. He did pour him a glass of wine though.

After everything was done they both sat down to eat. Tae's eyes grew wide and his mouth watered. He bit into the juicy burger and moaned in delight.

"Oh wow. This is the best burger I've ever tasted. It's thick and juicy. Perfectly cooked. Mwah! Delicious."

Jin is very happy that he likes his cooking. Because he plans on cooking for him more often.

After they finish eating, they relax comfortably in the entertainment room. The TV is playing in the background. But it's mostly white noise.

Tae asks Jin about his life and notices Jin's reaction. He moves closer to him and tells him, "No matter what you tell, it won't change what I feel for you. There's something you should know about me. When I fall for someone, I go all in. Everything that happens or affects you in any way. Will now affect me too. So if you're on the run from someone, or someone is out to hurt you or your daughter. I will protect you both from now on."

Jin nervously picks at Tae's fingers, which have Jin's hands in his. He starts trembling and eyes get watery.

"I'm just.. I'm trying really hard to put it all behind me. You know. But I still look over my shoulders everywhere I go. I'm scared more for my daughter because she's the one who my ex-husband is trying to get rid of."

"What? Why?"

"My ex comes from a very wealthy family. And they have never approved of our relationship. But he claimed he loved me and when I got pregnant, we got married.

He thought his family would slowly come to accept our marriage. But instead they gave him an ultimatum. Me and our daughter or his inheritance. He chose us.. but we were left with nothing.

I grew up poor so I thought we could manage. But I was the only one working. And being pregnant, I wasn't up for the usual things we used to do. I would come home tired and exhausted. But the house would be dirty and no food.

Once our daughter was born, I went back to work. Expecting him to take care of her while I was gone. But he would leave her in her wet diaper and never feed her. She began getting bedsores and blisters. So I started to complain. Ask him for help and support since he wasn't contributing to anything.

He blew up in my face. Telling me how he hated our life now. How he's miserable and wishes he could go back in time to choose his family instead."

He starts crying more now and struggles to continue.

"I slapped him and told him to get out. Go back to his family if he's so unhappy with us."

I then turned to go tend to my baby girl. But I don't really know what happened after that. I woke up the next morning and I could hear my baby crying. She was really loud and at that point I don't know how long I was out. I tried to get out of bed but found myself tied to the bed.

I screamed out for my husband, not remembering what happened. And he enters the room with an awful grin on his face. He walks closer to where I was and he is slipping some leather gloves on his hands.

I tried to tell him to release me so I can take care of our baby. But he began punching me in my face. I was stunned by the first blow. But he then continued hitting me. I could feel the blood dripping down my face. My lips were cut open by the blows. I couldn't fight back. But I didn't care about myself. I just wanted to help my baby.

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