Sucked In (PT. 1)

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I was walking home from school, dreading hearing my parents argue over and over again, like every day.  I saw my house and started to put my earbuds in, it seemed like music was my only escape. I started to walk up onto my porch then the door slammed open, my dad had two bags in his hands and he was speed walking to his car, my mom was still yelling at him as he left. I looked through the front door and saw my mommy fall to the ground crying, in the background I heard my dad slam the car door shut and speed away. Shit. My parents had bad arguments like this, but I knew it was the last time I'd ever see my dad again. I stood there, on the sidewalk starstruck as to what happened 

"Mom?.. Is everything okay?" I said, approaching my mom slowly, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes "Oh... my baby, Juan... I'm sorry your life has to be this bad" She said, standing up and hugging me. I felt tears form in my eyes and I hugged my mom back,

 "It's okay mom... I know you don't do it on purpose" I say, digging my face into her shoulder. I went to my room and fell on my bed, I felt like shit. I heard a knock on my door and turned around 

"It's time for dinner, honey," My mom said, still puffy-eyed. I started to walk to the dining room, on my way I looked in the mirror, I had black hair with blond streaks and my brown eyes looked as sad as a cloud on a rainy day. I entered the dining room and took a seat at our old dining table, my mom had made us some chicken and rice,

 "I have a surprise for you," My mom said with a smile, I looked up from my dinner plate and saw my mom pull out a box, it was a Nintendo Switch... I started to feel bad, those were rather expensive 

"Mom, how much was that?" I said, with a worried look, my mom just smiled at me and said 

"Don't worry, I got it for cheap, it's old and used but it's better than nothing, right?", I smiled at her and grabbed the box 

"Thank you, mom," I said with a soft smile, 

"I got you a game too!" She said with excitement, she pulled out the game Splatoon 3, 

"I'm sorry they're not all brand new," She said, still smiling 

"It's fine mom, really I don't mind," I said, smiling back at her.

After dinner, I went to my room and started to hook up my Nintendo to my old TV,  the Nintendo began turning on and I put the game in the device, I got everything turned on and started to click on the game, the loading screen showed up and hit the play button, but it didn't start to play. Everything around me started to show the loading screen, no matter where I turned, I felt a blast and BOOM everything went black...

(521 WORDS)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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