Chapter 7:

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Emily's point of view:

I counted my weeks by Friday's.
Ten Friday's until winter break.
Forty four Friday's until I graduated high school.
Three Friday's since Kara died.
And a numberless amount of Friday's until I could finally feel safe again.
It was the third Friday since Kara died, and because none of us felt safe to go back to the field we usually sat in, we all decided to stay the night at Alicia's place.
Alicia, Vinny, Nina, Seth and I. Five alive, two dead.
Alicia's parents had let us crash in the basement for the night as it was the biggest room in the house and with five of us all huddled together, we needed the space.
"I think we need to talk about what happened to Kara and Miles," Alicia broke the silence between us. We all sat in a circle, side by side, just like we did at the field.
"Yeah guys, who killed Kara and Miles? I'm sick of getting questioned by the police and detectives every single day. I don't feel safe anywhere I go," Seth interrupted. He was so handsome. With his long ash blonde hair and baby blue eyes, sun kissed skin, perfect nose and lips, muscular figure and long lean legs, he was model material. Ever since the start of year seven, I had had a massive crush on him. At that stage, I was what was known as a fat, ugly, loser with close to no friends. I was depressed, I would cry myself to sleep every single night. To make things worse, I lost my mother later on that year and now lived with my father. I researched many different ways to loose weight but nothing seemed to work for me. I tried dieting and exercising but after eating healthy and exercising for a few days, I would pig out and go back to where I started. That was, until I found out about purging. It was the only thing that helped me to loose weight and turn into what I was now, a perfect, slim and popular girl. Boys drooled over me and girls were jealous of me. And after all these years, I've wanted no one more than Seth.
Nina interrupted my thoughts as she said, "none of us need to confess anything, why would any of us kill Kara?"
Many eyes looked over to here. Everyone had growing suspicions for Nina.
"Says you," Vinny smugly but quietly said.
After that, none of us made any noise. We all just kept our eyes on each other. Nina calmed down after a while, and she played with her shaking fingers. After a while Vinny walked over to Nina to apologise and they began to talk.
"Alicia, do you mind if I use your bathroom?" I asked Alicia.
"Not at all, do you know where it is?"
"I know where it is, I can take her," Seth interrupted. I turned to face him and smiled.
"Okay sure thing, the closet is my parents ensuite," Alicia added.
I nodded in response and followed Seth upstairs. He led me to an old bedroom with a joint ensuite. Seth sat down on the bed, which had been nearly made, with new pillow cases and new sheets. He signalled for me to come over, so I sat down next to him on the bed. I looked out through a window, which displayed the dark, starry sky and began counting the stars. There were all different shapes and sizes and shades and each star was all individual, different and unique. Just like people, you could say. Seth interrupted my thoughts as he cut in and said "you look very beautiful tonight." I turned to face him, his tanned skin, looking pale in the bright moon light.
Before long, I lost control and began kissing him. To my surprise, he didn't pull away and kissed me back. His hand slid down to my hips and waist and he slowly pushed me down so I was lying on the bed. My fingers gripped his hair and I kissed him with so much passion and love. We must've been kissing for five minutes at least, although it felt like seconds, passing in a sweet, sweet dream. We were interrupted when someone slammed the door open and walked into the room. Seth pulled away from me.
"Seth! Emily!"
It was Vinny.

Her voice echoed throughout the room. I hurriedly got up and fixed my now messy hair up. Vinny stared at me, and before long burst into tears. I stood still as Seth brushed past me and pushed Vinny out of the room. Seth slammed the door and I was left alone. I walked over to the wall and pressed my ear up against it, trying to pick up from Seth and Vinny's conversation. Their voices were muffled but what I picked up, I wish I hadn't.
"Didn't that kiss mean anything to you Seth!" Vinny yelled sternly.
"I told you to forget about it! I don't love you in the same way Vinny," Seth replied.
"I thought we could start something! And then you go kiss Emily! More than kissing!!"
I heard a loud clap, like the sound of someone getting slapped across the face.
My mind was spinning and I suddenly felt the urge to do something I hadn't done in years. I ran over to the toilet, lifted the seat up, tied my hair up and stuck my fingers done my throat. It came like a rush to me, memories replaying in my mind over the many times I had done this in the past. I threw up twice and still felt the urge to continue. I threw my head over the seat and threw up again. I sat slumped up against the bathroom wall, sweating heavily. I could barely see anything. Just before I blacked out, Nina walked in.

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