Off the Plane

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You step out of the jet bridge and onto the terminal and look around HOLY! So THIS is Paris!  you think to yourself. You walk over to security and get through it just fine then you head over to the baggage claim where Luka is waiting for you.

 You run over and give him a big hug "It's so great to see you in person!" you exclaim, you have been friends with Luka for almost a year now and you have enjoyed every bit of it, seeing him in person makes it so much better though, "It's great to see you too!" he says, the two of you are chatting while you get your bags and soon enough you're heading out of the airport and to the taxi rank. You both hop in, and soon enough you're driving toward the heart of Paris.

*1st person pov*

Holy shit! I never knew how great Paris was till now.  Luka and I were chatting for a while, that was until there was a HUGE EXPLOSION OUTSIDE we both looked out the windows and saw... a giant baby having a temper tantrum; all of a sudden our taxi driver speeds up and we are easily going 100 km/h everything is going by us in a blur and I'm starting to get a little panicked "Luka! What's going on??" It's probably an akumatized villain  "I think it's an akumatized villain, it looks like Gigantitan" he says "Well isn't this great" I look into the distance "I think the fight is gonna take between 35 to 40 minutes"  "I'll take that bet" Luka says, we both laugh despite the chaos outside and get to our destination without any harm.

*2nd person pov*

You both step out of the taxi and onto a dock by the Seine "Well, Welcome to my house" Luka says, you look around in amazement, you've seen parts of the Liberty on his Instagram posts but never the full thing "This is amazing!" you say "I've never seen anything like it!"  "Well then, you certainly haven't seen much," he says, you both laugh and you know, you're gonna like it here.

         *355 words not including this*   in case you didn't get it anytime a full sentence looks like this, it is a thought. Example:   Dang it, I knew I forgot something.   Btw this is my first fic so plz don't judge. ty

{DISCONTINUED} Reader x Adrien Agreste [platonic]Where stories live. Discover now