Chapter 32

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The next morning I woke up a little later, well like at 9, Manik was sleeping cladding close to me making me smile, he is this huge man but he is a child at heart, which is one of his best quality.

I slipped away from him covering him with blankets, I kissed his head and went to shower.

Once I was ready I went downstairs but no one was there, I made myself some coffee and walked upstairs.

I saw my phone was lit up, so I grabbed it and saw multiple messages from mumma letting me know her and dad had to leave for an urgent meeting out of the city.

Cabir and mukti were still a sleep becasue I saw their doors shut on my way up here. I knew Manik had a couple meetings at 10 and 10:30 so I am just going to attend it for him

"Hello" I said on the phone when arun called

"Hi hello later, where are you and Manik, girl the meeting is in 5 minutes and neither of you are in this office" he said

"He isn't feeling well, can I attend it on his behalf" I asked

"Sure, want me to make it online"

"Yes if you could"

"Yes I can" he said

He set it up for me and I sat on the couch in our room attending the meetings, they were just updates so it wasn't too bad without manik.

Once I was done with the meeting, I made new notes int he presentation and in the files for manik when he goes through them later.

My phone rang when I got to the kitchen, it was mumma making me smile.

"Good morning mumma"

"Morning kiddo, how are you"

"Good and you"

"Super good, its so nice here" she chirped like a school girl

"Mumma you are so cute" I couldn't help but giggle

"We have a hot. Tub here" she said

"Ohh this seems like a honeymoon" I teased


I laughed making her laugh too

"How is manik" she asks

"He is sleeping but his temperature is down at the moment"


"Han mumma kya hua" I asked sensing she is thinking something

"Your mother" she said

"Wha about her" I asked

"She is umm"

"Mumma just say it"

"She is supposed to give an interview today"

"For what exactly" I asked

"Business but raj had a chance to look at the questions an hour ago because the one taking the interview is a dear friend of raj's"

"Ma what are you implying, what are these questions about" I asked

"Its about manik and you, but especially about you"

"Okay, probably asking how I was before getting married and after kind of thing" I asked

"Umm its about your past before manik and some aryamn's name came up" she said

"What" I gasped

"Ya listen bacha, we don' care who aryamn is and I know nor does manik but I wanted to let you know"

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