Night Guard acrylic, Retainer Acrylic

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Lang Dental Company

Lang Dental is a US-based company that manufactures daily based dental products that are used by dentists all over the globe. It provides the products with quality as well as efficiency. They produce every product from a small boarding agent to big denture-producing machines. They aim to fulfill every detail of the dentists which further proves to be beneficial for customers. They sort all the issues of gum problems by producing good oral hygienic products. Lang Dental's Product. Lang Dental products include Night Guard Acrylic, Retainer Acrylic, Contemporary Ortho-Jet, Coloured Dental Acrylic, etc.

What is an Acrylic?

Acrylic is a strong, stiff, clear plastic available in different colours. Acrylic is made up of plastic which is transparent, optical, and clear. This material out of which Acrylic is strong, stiff, and bonds well with adhesives and solvents, and thus is easy to thermoform. It has also magnificent weathering properties compared to many other transparent plastics. It is mostly used in Dentistry. Acrylic dental resins are often used to make patient impression trays for ensuring custom appliance fit and function. Acrylic dental materials are the foundation of modern dentistry. They are made for the comfort and overall use of the patient and to make a better look of dentist design devices.

Night Guard acrylic

A night guard acrylic in dentistry also refers to as a dental mouth guard, occlusal guard, or bite guard. It is an appliance or a tool that is provided to patients who are suffering from teeth grinding. Teeth Grinding is also known as Bruxism. It is a problem in which a patient grind, gnashes, or clenches his teeth when he can be awake referred to as awake bruxism, or in his sleep known as sleep bruxism. Thus, Night Guard protects the teeth and other structures by providing a barrier between the upper jaw and the lower jaw. This is the feature that makes Professional Night Guards superior as other normal Night Guards do not provide this facility.

Types of Night Guards Acrylic

There are different types of night guards soft, hard, dual laminated, and Acrylic night guards. Soft night guards are made of soft material. Hard night guards are made up of harder plastic. Dual laminated is made up of both soft as well as hard materials. Night guard is a rigid acrylic one.

Properties of Night Guard Acrylic

The properties of Night Guard Acrylic are:

· The hard night guard is very durable.

· It's made from acrylic, a clear, hard plastic material.

· The hard night guard is suitable for people who suffer from heavy to severe teeth grinding

· An acrylic bite splint is prescribed to a patient to address a TMJ dysfunction. An acrylic bite splint should be obtained directly from the dentist.


Constructed on the maxillary arch Thickness: 2mm posterior / 4-5mm anterior Occlusal surface: Flat plane, slick, smooth Occlusal contact

The texture of Night Acrylic

A night acrylic guard is a rigid appliance. An acrylic night guard can last up to 5 years or more with regular use. Since it may be used for such a long time, it is important to regularly clean and care for your acrylic guard.

The night guard is made up of dentists on measuring the size of your teeth and will customize it accordingly. You can also buy online by providing the details.

Retainer acrylic

What is a Retainer

A teeth Retainer is a custom-made device that is usually used for the last phase of orthodontics treatment. It is worn after braces and is molded into the shape of a person's mouth. It is used to protect the results of the intervention. They are removable appliances.

Retainer Acrylic

Retainer acrylic made with a combination of a hard plastic or acrylic plate connected by a thin metal wire. It gives you many benefits and everyone who ought to wear a retainer should use it. It is exactly modeled according to your mouth to fit comfortably on the roof of your mouth and the wire is settled against the front of your top teeth. It protects all dental care and keeps the teeth in an uptight position. It makes your smile more beautiful.

Acrylic Retainers come with new designs such as Essix and Vivera retainers. The different colours include watermelon, tie dye, stripes, and stars. According to a survey, it is preferred by 90% of clients. It is easy to use, less irritable and brings out the best result.

Properties of Retainer Acrylic

The properties of Retainer Acrylic are:

· Acrylic retainers can last for a long time

· These retainers are durable, stain-resistant, somewhat adjustable, and easy to care for.

· They are adjustable as they can be taken out before eating, brushing, and flossing

· These retainers are available in a variety of colours

· They are easy to clean and can be cleaned using a toothbrush and toothpaste or denture cleaner.

· They can be replaced after 8 years.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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