Chapter 19

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Your P.O.V

As you got close to the Ice Cream Shop you saw Kaito and he waved to you like a mad man.

You giggled and waved back as you got closer

Kaito hugged you tightly

"(y/n) It's so good to see you!!!We haven't hung out like this in FOREVER!!!!" he said with his face in your hair

you smiled more and got out of the hug quickly.

"It was been a while! I'm happy we finally get to hang out!!"

"Yep! Now let's go get that Ice Cream!!!!

you smiled and rolled your eyes "I'm surprised you aren't fat yet. with all the ice cream consumption."

he grabbed your hand and pouted
"be nice! Now come on!!"

He dragged you into the shop and you guys ordered quickly and sat down at a table for two.


You and Kaito had ended up hanging out for 3 hours instead of the 30 minutes you had planned.

after ice cream y'all went on a walk around the park, went to the store for more ice cream, and Kaito even bought you a new anime figurine!
You two were now walking back to your house to get started on an Anime Marathon!!

As Kaito was escorting you home, you saw Len and Rin walking towards y'all on the other side of the road.

You waved to get their attention and Len ran across the street

"Hey (y/n)!" Len hugged you tightly as he looked over to Kaito and they fist bumped "Hey Kaito!!"

Kaito smiled "yo Len!"

you noticed Rin looking pretty annoyed on the other side of the road and you looked back at Len.

"I thought you were tutoring Rin?"

Len looked at me
"We're just going to get dinner right now. wanna come?"

you sighed "sorry. Kaito and I have an anime marathon tonight...."

Len looked a little sad/disappointed
"oh...well....see you at school tomorrow then?"

you smiled faintly "yeah!"

Len went back to Rin and you and Kaito started walking again.


You and Kaito got back to your house.

Kaito and you ha decided on starting with his favorite.

Cowboy Bebop

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