Hey im sorry

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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated any time recently, I have had so much on my plate and I need people to rant to so I'm sorry but I'm using this chapter update thing as a ranting space rn.
My heart physically hurts, I feel ill 90% of the time but nothing is physically wrong with me. My mental hurt is affecting me physically and the one person who would be able to fix it is the person who is causing it. I have bugger all friends and while that doesn't bother me the one person I want to be my friend doesn't want me back. Which I understand why we can't be friends, we're really fucking bad for each other at this point in time. I just wish that I wish that I could hug them one more time, be in their presence again one more time. It's made me appreciate the moments I did have with them so so much more
I'm sorry for the rant and the complete radio silence.
Cya for now guys. I'll try to start updating again. I just don't know when that will be. I might scrap this story and start it again honestly

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