Chapter 1

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I walked into math class, looking tired as usual. I set down my stuff, taking out my 3" binder and setting it on my desk. The classroom has a huge fish tank right behind my desk that everyone like to poke at to annoy the fish and scare them. Posters cover the wall of random quotes until they meet the edge of the smart board and the white board.
There are 5 different sections in this classroom with desks. One group are just drama queens, the second is just me and Aaron on occasions, I usually sit by myself. The third are nerdy girls, they're pretty nice.. and awkward.. The fourth is just for people who don't know how to act right. Don't get me started on them. Lastly, the jocks, Aaron sits there mostly, they all can be jerks but make funny jokes that I occasionally laugh to.
Just as class was about to start, Aaron comes running into the classroom, a small grin appears runs across my face, I quickly stop smiling until I realize he sits next to me, it appears once more.. "Sorry Mr. Jaxon, I had issues in opening my locker." I hear him chuckle softly. " So.. Cat, I need to talk to you after school." He says whispering into my ear, I nod and blush rose-red since he was so close, covering the visible side he could see of my face with my hair until my redness went away.

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