Wesley Wants To Try Conversion Therapy

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Wesley was on a video call with his mom. He missed having her around, but living with Mr. Riker wasn't that bad. He also really liked the new doctor, she was so kind and empathetic, although Data seems to not like her for some reason. Maybe it's because he's as real of a man as those trannys.

"So yesterday in history we learned about the 21st century and the queers." he said the word queer as if it was flithy word.
"Well it is a history class."
"And those freaks who crossdress. I mean I can't believe anyone would want to be a tranny."
"Honey... do you remember when you were a kid?"
"Yes? I don't see how that is relevant."
"Do you not remember when you were a girl?"
"I was what?"
"You're trans. Also I thought I raised you not to say slurs."
Wesley didn't know what to say to this earth shattering information. His life was over. He was a tranny. Was he a homosexual too?
"I have to go."
He got off the call and felt sick. He wanted to cry or throw up or die. His shift started in an hour which was a problem because he needed a few more hours to catastrophize. He took a deep breath and shoved his anxiety as deep down into his brain as he could.

He walked out of his room after taking several more calming breaths to keep his tears down, he needed a glass of water. He went straight to the replicator, but Riker was there. He was eating his very manly breakfast of beans and toast. He got water anyway, avoiding Riker's concerned gaze, and quickly headed back to his room before Riker could ask any questions.

Later when it was almost time to leave, Wesley stared at himself in the mirror, dressed in his baggiest starfleet uniform, and felt like he didn't deserve it. He was an unqualified tranny, who was only here because his mom was the chief medical officer. Then he heard a knock on his door.
"Hey, Wesley buddy, how're you doing? I was about to head to the bridge if you wanted to walk with me. We don't have to talk."
At first Wesley wasn't going to respond. He wasn't even sure if he was going to work, but walking with Riker did sound nice, and he didn't want to be alone right now.
"Sure I'll walk with you Mr. Will."

By the time they made it to the bridge Wesley was feeling a bit better, but it was still hard to see a real man like Riker, treating him like an equal.

He sat down at his post, ready to try and pretend to be a man while doing his job.
"Mr Crusher, could you please set a course for-"
Wesley broke down in tears. He was embarrassed to be crying and most importantly to be called Mr. He was a fraud and a sobbing mess. Picard didn't know what exactly to do so he guided Wesley to his ready room.
"Are you okay?"
"No. I'm trans. I'm not a real boy."
Picard was confused why this was a problem. I mean he knew Wesley was trans. Everyone did. Trans people haven't been a big deal in most people on the ship's life times. I mean the only people who would really remember any of this being a problem was Q and Whoopi Goldberg.
"Do you think Riker isn't a real boy?"
"No, he's the manliest person I know."
"Well Riker's trans."
"No he can't be."
"Well he is. Wesley, where is all of this coming from? I mean you know no one on this ship has a problem with that."
"Well I do! How don't you?! It's unnatural!"
He can feel the tears welling in his eyes again, he doesn't want to cry again, further proving to the captain how unmanly he is, but he does. He can't stop the tears from flowing down his face. Picard reaches for him, in an effort to console him, but Wesley moves away from him, and runs out the door.

Wesley went back to his quarters. Riker wasn't there but he left some brownies on the counter. He took one of the brownies out of the tray and ate it. He then noticed a piece of paper. It was a note on the dining room table that said: "Don't eat the brownie. They're special brownies for my new boyfriend."

Boyfriend? Riker was a faggot? The man he looked up too was trans and a faggot? He was disgusted. He couldn't believe he looked up to a person like him. Everything in his life was falling apart. He was starting to get dizzy so he sat down on the couch. He started crying again and feeling even more pathetic in the process. He saw himself as a failure. Wesley lied down and continued crying until he eventually exhausted himself and fell asleep.

It was late when Riker got home, he thought about canceling his date so he could check on Wesley, but decided the kid might need some time alone. When he got back to their quarters he kissed his boyfriend goodnight and went inside to get the brownies he baked him. When he saw the plate he realized one was missing. Oh no. Wesley had eaten one. Was he okay? Riker looked around the room and noticed a form on the couch. Wesley. He quickly grabbed the plate and went back outside.
"Here babe, I made you these, but I have to go, I need to deal with the kid."
"You have a kid?"
"Um, kinda? He's not actually mine but I'm watching him, and I'm kind of like a father figure."
"Oh, okay."
"Anyway gotta go, bye see you tomorrow." Riker said, blowing him a kiss as he walked away.

When he got back inside he went right over to Wesley. He didn't want to wake him up but he had to make sure he was okay. He grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over Wesley. He then scanned him with a tricorder to make sure there were no serious problems. With the knowledge that Wesley was physically fine, Riker went over to the replicator and got a cup of water, which he placed on the table beside Wesley for when he wakes up. As he walked to his room, he turned around to look at Wesley again. "We'll figure this out kid." He knew Wesley couldn't hear him, but it was a promise as the man who was supposed to take care of him.

Wesley didn't really want to talk with counselor Troi. He knew he was only here because Riker thought he had a problem but Wesley thought he was fine. The real problem was him being a certified tranny.

"Where did you get this idea that trans and gay people are less than." Troi asked him to start off the session. Wesley felt betrayed that Riker told her his dogma but he pushed that aside and stayed calm.
"Well... it's just a fact. They're disgusting and unnatural."
"Gay and trans people have existed for as long as people have. It's not like they're aren't gay animals."
Wesley was too stunned to say anything. It was wrong. He knew it was wrong but struggled to back up his argument.
"But it's just wrong. Okay is that good enough?"
"Wesley, all these ideas have to have come from somewhere and they definitely didn't come from your mother. Where?"
"It didn't come from anywhere. Why is it so hard to believe that what I'm saying is the truth? I mean everyone challenges me to think for myself and now it's a problem."
"These ideas don't come from nowhere and aren't new. Maybe I'm asking the wrong question. Why do you think it's unnatural and wrong? Like what specifically about it is wrong?"
"I- I don't know... it's just wrong."
"Wesley, that's not a valid argument."
"Well I don't know then it's just weird."
"Is there no other reason that you believe this? Do you truly have no idea where these beliefs came from?"
Wesley thought for a moment. "Well maybe it was from looking at the old 4chan archives or maybe it was listening to Ben Shaprio and Joe Rogan and Rush Limbaugh." Troi only had a vague understanding of 4chan and all those white men. She made a mental note to ask Data what any of that was or what it meant.
"Well maybe you should find better sources, I can recommend some to you. Well it looks like our time here today is up. I'll see you next Wednesday."

After therapy Wesley felt defeated and slowly walked away. He didn't really want to go home and face Riker but he had nowhere else to go. Everyone had been looking at him differently now that they all know he's a tranny. Wesley walked into his quarters and Riker was shirtless
He felt something that he knew was wrong. No. He can't be like those... those homosexuals.

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