Chapter Eleven

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Things with Eddie seemed to be a little different. Not with him, but with me. I couldn't shake the idea of his side work out of my head. It was mostly Billy who was stuck in my head.

While we were out and about I always had the thought lingering in the back of my mind that he was going to do something. Not to me, but to Eddie. He kept claiming that Billy doesn't know anything or that he's just talking out of his ass, as Eddie would put it.

But I had this fear that one day we would be out enjoying our time and this deep secret would come to the light, or flashing blue and red lights if you catch my drift.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong." I muttered.
"Something is clearly the matter Lexi, tell me."
"I'm just worried."

"Why." His question seemed to brew with annoyance.
"I'm just worried about Billy..."
"You need to let it go. I told you he's not going to do anything."
"You don't know that." I scoffed.
"What do you know that I don't."

"He's crazy." I sighed.
"Like I said what do you know that I don't." Eddie laughed casually trying to be light towards this situation.

"He won't stop until he gets what he wants."
Eddie starred at me, I saw the shift change between his brown eyes. Worry soon seemed to seep in. Causing his body to stiffen up slightly he dismissed the conversation.

It had been about a week since the last conversation about this. I really tried my best to contain my worries but I wasn't able to help it. I soon felt myself lost, and worried. I wasn't even able to tell Sara anything about this because I was worried about dragging her into this mess the way I was.

Well, I'm unsure if you can say I was dragged into this. I gave Eddie a chance, I accepted his drinks at the bar, his gentlemen like gestures. Going on dates, but I didn't know it would lead to all of this. That is what seemed to worry me the most, I wasn't even certain what the bigger picture was.

He never liked to give insight of what his side job was. Every time I tried to bring up work he just informed me on his manager responsibilities at the shop. He knew I wanted more but I think he was just trying to protect me.

Now we're catch up to the situation at hand. I laid on my back on my bed looking up at my ceiling. Eddie's hand rested softly on my thigh while his other hand was occupied by his phone. Although I was silent I wasn't able to shut the voice and thoughts racing in my head.

I couldn't stop reminiscing on the first few moments we shared together. The first time I saw him at the bar, the first drink we shared. I kept thinking about the rush I was felt brewing in my stomach. I felt guilty that I truly didn't enjoy those moments the way I thought I did.

All in reality, all I wanted to do was escape this mindful headache and go back towards those days. The laughs we shared and the small glances we exchanged. I felt as if we truly couldn't have that again, and to my own fault. I wasn't allowing it.

I shifted my head and looked at Eddie's large frame. I wasn't even sure how to go about telling him how I felt. When it's not given the right context it seems as if I want to end things. Which is not the case, I wanted to be with him. I wanted to continue to get to know him and possibly fall in love.

His body perked up at the shock of my soft fingertips tracing circles on his back. Within an instant his phone was placed on the bedside table and now I was the one who had ultimate control of his attention.

His large hand held my exposed skin on my legs with such ease. Creasing my soft body I felt a sense of security cast a shadow against my body. I watched his brown eyes through his lashes, looking down at my body as if it was his greatest treasure.

Our eyes met, lips shut. Scanning each other's features and returning back to the destination of pure eye contact. If our eyes could speak it'll be pure whispers of reassurance. The prolonged eye contact got the best of me. I slowly closed my eyes and rested my warm cheek into the empty hallow of my palm. His hand traveled up my body and held the other side of my face, hugging my cheek with his warm palm I released a soft sigh as a response....

*Eddie's POV*

My hand rested gentle on Lexi's warm cheek, I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I took in all her features. A sense of guilt was eating away at me in ways I couldn't imagine.

I didn't mean to drag her into this. I knew this was effecting the way she saw me, she didn't have to tell me. I'm trying my hardest to push her out of that part of my life. I knew there was going to be a block between our relationship but I didn't know it was going to be this bad.

The main reason for this was because of Billy. I was unsure of what exactly he knew but I did know that he's still on her mind. Causing anxiety to brew in her thoughts she always seemed to be on edge.

I wasn't sure of what to do to prove to her that no matter what I would protect her, I would never put her in danger.

My head shifted to her dim tv, we were just in her room playing music and Slow Dancing in The Dark by Joji played next in the queue.

I felt my lips turn into a soft smile, this song has memories tied to it. It wasn't my type of music but to her it was the best.
"Okay you're not playing anymore music." I laughed trying to unplug her phone from my car stereo.
"No wait, please just wait for this song trust me." She explained quickly.
"Eddie please this song is really good I promise!" Excitement light the flame in her eyes.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, not out of annoyance but of acceptance.

Now, the song seemed to be more meaningful. I looked back at Lexi who now opened her eyes, looking at me I saw as they turned sad. I wish I could take whatever pain she was feeling and toss it away. I want the old us back, the excitement in her eyes when she saw me. This wasn't something we talked about a lot but I knew it was heavy on her mind.

"You looked at me like I was someone else
Can't you see?
I don't want to slow dance...
In the dark"

She sighed deeply as the lyric sang across the room. I returned the sigh back, I knew this song was speaking to her now but in a different way than it had before.

"I'm sorry." I muttered softly, her soft hair flowed through my fingers as I played with her hair.

"Hmm." She lazily responded.
"I'm sorry."

"For what?" She asked sitting herself up.

For a brief moment I couldn't bare to look into her deep brown eyes, I looked away for a moment. Collecting my thoughts I took a deep breath in.

"I know you see me different now." I sighed.

"I'm sorry that you do."
"Eddie I don't-" Her voice shook as she tried to lie.

"Lexi don't." I sighed as she sat up, I held her hand in mine as we looked at each other.

"I know you do, you're not the best at hiding it. I know sometimes you don't say it but your face says it all. I didn't mean for you to look at me differently. I want you to know I would never do anything to put you in any danger. I promise I'm good at keeping my side business and personal life separate." I explained.

She shook her head softly as I continued to talk. Japanese Denim by Daniel Caesar was next on the queue. She smiled softly as he registered the song.

"I just need you to trust me. Please, I wouldn't mess this up." I said resting my forehead softly against hers.

You're my four leaf clover
I'm so in love, so in love
There's no one above up above
Forevers a long time

"Okay." She sighed slowly nodding her head.

My hand slid from hers and made it warm towards her soft cheek, my lips turned into a smile as he softly sang along with the song. As the lyrics
"My blue jeans, will last me all my life
So should we"

My lips softly pressed against hers, I felt our breath become in sync as we shared this blissful moment. Everything I told her was true, I would never hurt her. I wouldn't do anything to put what we're building at risk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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