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Third person Omniscient:

'Shoto was a demon slayer. Just about everyone who knew him knew that. 

His rage for the creatures he once worshiped started when he was young. When the said creatures invaded his home village, Bakumori. Took his family.  Took his best friend, Ether. He forgot none of it, instead he vowed to kill every last one of them. Every Demon to walk this mortal world. He will be the one to take their souls. Like how they took his. Shoto would be the one to avenge Ether's soul, though it will never bring him back.

So this is where the poor boy faces a predicament. Well you see...

He likes a demon.. particularly Vox Akuma, the voice demon.

He lays awake, staring at his ceiling, until a knock could be heard from the door, and standing there was none other then Shoto's detective friend, the same one who doesn't know how to wash his rice.

"Mysta!" The purple boy grinned, getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed, his legs hanging off the mattress.

"Hey Sho~" The fox boy replied, in his usual British accent, and made his way over to Shoto's. Mysta was an interesting case. Though he was clever in solving mysteries, he lacks in common sense at times. Though that's not to say he isn't smart, he very well is.

"So why are you here?" The purple haired boy questioned the furry, slightly smirking in a mischievous manner.

"New demon. Causing lots of people distress and responsible for half the problems in the city lately." The detective replied almost instantly.

"Hmm sounds like a job for a demon slayer," sho paused, "oh wait. I am one. I accept. Time and place, no other details needed."
There was a hint of pride and mischief that glistened in the demon slayer's eyes.
'But.. never mind.." Mysta shook his head, dismissing the thought.

Though Shoto would never dismiss one possibility.
'What if... no. He's a peaceful demon.'

"He's generally causing problems around Casco harbour around now." The brunette-ish boy reported.

So Shoto found himself at the centre of Luca's Mafia control network. Though the Mafia is run by someone who cannot go 5 seconds without saying 'Pog' it's fine because that's what everyone loves about him. And the only reason Mysta hasn't arrested Luca is because Luca's dating Shu, Mysta's BROTHER.

He was scouting around the place when he bumped into another demon he knew all too well.

"Ahh, Shoto, my boy," a deep voice spoke giving Shoto's spine chills. The purple boy looked up and saw the person he wanted to see last around now. Vox. Fucking. Akuma.

"H-heyy.. Vox" He stuttered, silently cursing himself for stuttering. 

"What brings you here my boy? I don't often see you at Casco harbour."

"Oh.. umm.. I decided to visit, maybe check up on Luca and Shu," he glanced away from the towering demon, "you know.. the usual."

Shoto hoped and prayed his lie would work. That Vox hadn't caught onto the fact he had lied to the demon for the first time. He squeezed his eyes shut and only opened them when he felt cold fingers bring his face up. 

"The 'usual' is you killing demons," Vox then took a glance at the side of Shoto's face, noticing a worn scar from the previous demon lord he had taken the soul of. Shoto snapped away from his trance and yanked his face back, stumbling in the direction his head was heading.

"well." the voice said again, though this time, the voice was more tempting and warm. A siren luring out pure souls into their doom.

Though Shoto had been able to resist it before, it caught him by surprise, and he was for a brief moment, enchanted in another trance, but thanks to his own reflexes, he was able stop himself from spilling his cup of tea.

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