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The Moirai were in their home a place that no mortal knew of and where no immortal could ever go to. They stood there, their gaze transfixed on the enchanted fountain. They watched as the events of the future transpire. Death, destruction, and carnage could be seen everywhere. For once Atropos didn't want to cut someone's thread, Lachesis was remeasuring the tread hoping beyond hope that somehow a mistake had been made and that maybe it could be fixed and lives could be saved. Clotho looked grimly towards her sisters and spoke.

"The events of the future are worse than we predicted."

"You are correct." From her right, Atropos bitterly agreed. "We had thought that after the first war the gods would learn from their mistakes but we were gravely mistaken."

Lachesis from her left asked. "What do you propose we do now sisters?"

"We may need to initiate plan Ψ ." Clotho said reluctantly. The other two sisters looked at her questionably.

"Are you sure sister? We have not used that plan in eons."

"Yes, it may as well be our last opportunity. We shall be taking a huge risk but if all goes well then many precious lives would be saved. We have to make the gods see how their actions are affecting their children's lives. And the children must learn that some things are beyond even the god's control." She answered.

Both Atropos and Lachesis looked at each other then back at their sister and nodded. "Very well sister we stand beside you. Let us begin."

The fates joined their hands and started chanting in a language that was older even than ancient Greek. It was a language of magic. Soon their hand began to glow the light around them becoming brighter and brighter until it engulfed everything.


It was a weird day on Olympus. The gods were sitting on their thrones in Olympus. They were having an emergency council meeting and even Hades was invited. For once they all sat in silence there were no accusations no-one was bickering with the other. All in all, it was a weird day. Finally, a bright light appeared at the center of the room when it faded in its place stood the Moirai. The gods stood and bowed respectfully. The fates nodded at them in acknowledgment before Lachesis spoke.

"Olympians we have seen the future events and they are not how we had hoped they would transpire."

"We the fates are giving you a chance to change the future for the better. We shall send twelve heroes from the future and call upon a few from your time." Continued Clotho.

"Together you shall read about the life of the greatest hero of all times who was the center of it all. He is unlike any before him he and his partner had succeeded in a place where even the gods dare not traverse. From their adventures, you must learn. And remember all the demigods will be protected by us if you harm any of them there will be severe consequences."

A flash of light came from behind the fates revealing eleven campers and the lieutenant of Artemis. The youngest camper looked around eleven years old while the oldest looked about nineteen. The campers were all wearing similar orange camp t-shirts. All of them looked around their surroundings confused. A stack of ten books appeared near Hestia hearth.

"The books shall remain blank until all the readers from the future have arrived. Time outside this place has been stopped and will remain so until the end of the meeting." Clotho said before turning her gaze towards Apollo.

"Prepare the medicine you shall need it shortly." With that, they disappeared.

The lieutenant moved forward and bowed towards Artemis. The goddess smiled towards her old friend and nodded her head in acknowledgment before snapping her fingers and making a seat appear by her side. While the demigods stood there awkwardly. Hestia the ever-kind goddess sensing their discomfort smiled towards them reassuringly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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