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during the two weeks that have passed since the argument that had happened between manng. nicola had changed. not much but she had. she still had abby and marcus. indiana's sister, emmaline had also moved in since her parents believed that she could use a change after some issues that had happened at her old school. nicola liked having her around, the two had quickly become friends with each other. 

as for marcus and nicola they were more in love then they had ever been. she was happy even if she was struggling she was happy. she had finally accepted with much help from jillian that she needed to let marcus in so she did. nicola felt as if she had a good grasp on her anxiety and depression now and could tell what to do when she felt like she was spirling that way. 

it was now thanksgiving and indiana and emmaline's parents were coming today along with nicola and atlas's grandparents. now atlas was stressed and nicola swore she had never seen him this stressed. 

"babe, calm down." indiana told atlas who was currently cooking. 

"your parents have never been here before and its stressing me out." atlas groaned. 

emmaline leaned over to nicola, "i've never seen him so stressed." 

nicola laughed, "the last time he was this stressed was when he first met your parents."

atlas turned facing his sister, "don't make me bring up with mom and dad met marcus."

"oh look the door." nicola said quickly running away. nicola opened the door to reveal her parents, "grammy! grampy!" she smiled hugging them. 

"hi baby." michael rossi hugged his granddaughter. 

"let me look at you." charlotte rossi said. nicola jokingly did a little spin before saying, "i look the same."

"you look happier than the last time we saw you." her grandmother laughed. finally hannah and kyle felix arrived and they all were sat around a table eating. it was the most awkward thing ever. nobody was talking until hannah spoke up, "so emmi are you excited to start at your new school?" 

"ummm yeah." emmaline said to her mom. "nico has introduced me to a few of her friends so its cool to know some people before hand."

the silence fell again until charlotte asked, "hows that boyfriend of yours, nicola?"

nicola slightly smiled at the mention of marcus, "he's good." 

"im glad to hear that." michael said. "we haven't seen him since the funeral." thats when it hit nicola they didnt know about marcus and her breaking up and getting back together. she never mentioned it. 

the rest of dinner was quiet and soon it was just emmaline, nicola, indiana and atlas.

atlas sighed, "that was the worst dinner of my life also nico, you never told grammy and grampy you and marcus broke up and got back together did you?"

nicola groaned, "i forgot too when it happened so i decided not to mention it."

emmaline laughed, "good job."

"eh they dont need to know." indiana said. "whats good though is we don't have to have that awkwardness until the wedding." that comment made everyone laugh.


the day after thanksgiving, marcus was getting ready to head towards nicolas house when all of a sudden ginny pulled up with his motorcycle. "i just wanted to bring your bike back." she says passing him the helmet. 

"yeah thanks." marcus said. 

"sorry for stealing it." she apologizes. 

"its okay." he accepted her apology. "i gotta go to nico's she's expecting me but its cool your back."

ginny watched as marcus skated off before sighing and heading back to her house. "you know i have a front door." nicola said looking at marcus as he climbed through her bedroom window. 

"now whats the fun in using the front door?" he asked before kissing her lightly. he pulled away saying, "ginny's back. she just returned my bike."

nicola just pulled a tight smile nodding, "did she say anything about me?"

"no but we only talked for like a second cause i was coming over here." marcus replied as nicola laid her head on his chest. 

nicola had many thoughts. she hasn't spoken to ginny since the whole incident sure it had been two weeks but she was still upset. she also never understood why ginny would just leave. leave her mom. her life here and now she just shows back up. nicola had many questions. 

"hey." marcus poked her forehead. "what's going on in there?" 

"stop." she laughed hitting away his hand. "just thinking about how much i dislike you."

marcus pulled her so she was straddling him, "oh you hate me?"

"so much." she confirmed. 

"you have a very funny way of showing it." he said as she leaned forward. 

"do i?" she asked before placing her lips on his. marcus hummed running his hand through her hair before she pulled away. 

"see thats a funny way of showing it." he laughed. she smiled, kissing his cheek before laying down on top of him. "comfy?" he asked, rubbing one of his hands up and down her back. 

"very." she confirmed. he leaned down kissing the top of her head. he could tell that she was tired so he just let her stay exactly where she was and as he rubbed her back, nicola fell asleep. marcus soon falling asleep after her like the two so how always did. it was a comfort for the both of them when they took naps together. nicola felt protected with how marcus held her and marcus felt comfortable with the presence of his girlfriend. 

what they were both unaware of was that ginny still had feelings for marcus.

authors note !

i lied act two today lol

i probs won't update tomorrow though cause i'm gonna be with family but i just wanted to get this short lil chapter out now !

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