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Taehyung's POV:

Wednesday, it was Wednesday the 12th when I met her at the cafe crying desperately. She didn't care if people stare at her or even if her makeup was ruined.

I couldn't stand the way she looked, so I stood up and sat with her.

"Hey miss, are you ok?" I hesitantly patted her shoulder. She didn't respond.

I took my handkerchief and gave it to her.

Then she finally spoke.

"H-he... He broke my heart." She sobbed. She couldn't stop crying.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want something? Water? What do you want?"

"No thank you. I ordered already." She blew her nose.

"Oh no, I used your handker-"

"It's fine, you can keep it." I deeply understand her and I feel bad.

"I thought we would last until Christmas," She opened up.

"But we didn't. I thought I found the one." She continued.

"You know, whatever it is that he did to you, he's so unlucky. He's crazy. Honestly, he should be grateful to have you. He doesn't deserve you, miss."

The waiter came with her order and interrupted our conversation. "Here's your order, ma'am." He handed the strawberry cake and a coffee.

"Excuse me, sir. Two glasses of water, please. Thank you." I raised my hand slightly before he left.

"Strawberry cake. It must be your favorite am I right?" I questioned.

"Yes, how about you?" She nodded.

"Good thing you asked. I love strawberries too!" I smiled at her.

"Oh wow. Strawberry cake makes me feel a little better."

"Kim Taehyung, by the way." I shook her hand.

"Oh, I am Lee Y/n. It is nice to meet someone like you!"

After a minute, the waiter came back with the drinks. "Thank you." I smiled. "Here, drink water. I've heard that after crying, you need to drink water." "Oh, thank you." She plustered a slight smile. We had a long convo. A few minutes later someone came inside the cafe.

The guy made all girls look, even the boys. I can't deny the fact that he's attractive. His scent smells like fresh orange, his face is angelic, and his voice is too.

I missed that scent.

I have been waiting for him for so long.

And it turned out, he was Y/n's high school classmate and best friend.

She was still sullen until now when Jimin came to find her in tears. Yes, she cried again. She told me how hard it was and I understand.

"What a coincidence!" Jimin exclaimed. He came back from overseas, he celebrated early Christmas there and took a vacation as well.

"I'm with my two best friends. I missed you guys!" He got me a gift.

"Y/n, are you ok?" He noticed Y/n's noticeable bawling eyes and red runny nose, plus the makeup.

"Yeah, I feel better now that you're here."

"What happened? Did you two know each other?" Jimin raises his eyebrow.

"No, I just met her now. I saw her crying."

"Really? What happened to my Y/n? Did you get hurt? Did your parents kick you out? Tell me, what happened?" I'd be lying if I said he's not worried. It's obvious.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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