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A/N: Hey guys, so I really wanted to write a story from a guys perspective because I've ALWAYS wrote from a girls perspective. I also recently read the bro code and it inspired me. This is NOTHING like the bro code since I started this way before I read it but that book kind of gave me hope that this may be a huge success.

I thought it would be cool to write a story as a bad ass gang banging latino who eventually finds love but, isn't necessarily allowed to date that person. Hahaha I won't give too much away. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it! Just comment + vote and I'll be sure to update!!!

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"Her tits were like two giant watermelons staring me right in the face!" John yelled.

"Did you see a nipple?" I asked. "It only counts if you saw her nipple."

John glanced around like a mad man. "Oh shit bro. I can't remember. I was too drunk."

He didn't catch the mean girls reference but man I didn't care. I laughed anyway. This was the usual. Two amigos chatting it up before we headed to first period. Again John was telling me about some girl he scored with at yesterday's party. Go figure. I'm so mad I didn't go. There were probably a bunch of lindas there waiting for me to take them up to an empty room and bang the crap out of them.

Man I wished I would have gone. Too bad I had to babysit my snot of a little sister.

"Damn, if I have to babysit one more time I think I'm going to puke up everything I've ever eaten." I sighed.

"Babysit?" John questioned. "I thought you were making a drug run or something."

Almost instantly I grabbed John by the collar of his shirt and banged him against a nearby locker. What the fuck? Why would he say some shit like that in public? Was he crazy? If someone over heard that I could do time. I could end up in jail or worse, in detention with all those stupid nerds. Nah. I wouldn't have it.

"Eres bruto?!" I questioned my voice raising. "Are you stupid John?! Why would you say something like that out loud!!?"

John's eyes were almost jumping out of their eye sockets. He was scared for his life. Good. He should never say some shit like that again. "I'm sorry bro. I-I'm sorry."

I let go of his collar with all the nearby students watching like they just saw a drive by in the middle of the hallway. It wasn't that serious. They were all so dramatic, watching with these frantic looks on their faces. You would have thought I shot John right there. I mean I should have. Me selling drugs was a secret that nobody should know about. And John said it out loud. I should break his face.

But he's my amigo. So I'll let it slide.

"Whatever man. Don't ever say that shit out loud again." I sighed.

John chuckled nervously. I swear he thought I was serious. "Man, sorry. It won't happen again."

All the tension disappeared when the hottest girl in the school walked by, her long blonde hair swaying as she walked. She stopped in front of us before smiling, her beautiful white teeth glistening.

She handed me a flyer, the smile never wiping off of her face. I wish it would though. She looked like a idiot smiling like we had sex or something. I mean, I wouldn't mind having sex with her but still. Why was she smiling at me?

John put his arm around her before she could even open her mouth. "Damn Brittany, do your parents own a bakery?"

Brittany scoffed. "No?"

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