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It's been a while since I updated. Here's a long one. I absolutely love writing this! Hope you guys enjoy! 


Chapter 4

I walked into school monday morning a thousand dollars richer due to George finally giving me my money. I felt great. I felt alive but Ialso knew I had to give my boss at least half of it so, I tried not to get too ahead of myself.

Stopping in front of my locker, I noticed a note on the front of it that said:

This aint over, loco.


A laugh erupted from my stomach and all the oxygen escaped my lungs. Who did this guy think he was messing with? And better yet, when was he going to learn his lesson. I crumpled up the note and opened mylocker to grab my books only to slam it shut and see Jenna standing right behind it.

I nearly jumped.

"I heard about what happened at the party." She muttered. Her arms holding her textbook tightly at her chest. She looked nervous but I didn't want to mention it. "You didn't have to do that. Austin isn't exactly someone you want to mess with."

"Look, I got myself into this." I replied. "I don't need you trying get me out of it."

It came out harsh but that was exactly what I wanted. I spent a lot of time thinking that weekend and I thought of two things. a) Jenna was off limits which meant I was going to stay as far away from her as possible and b) I was done trying to be super man and mr. nice guy because the fact of the matter was, we had absolutely no reason to be friends. We were apart of two different families that hated each other and I was guessing she had no idea. But I did. And, I wasn't going to pretend I didn't.

She stared at me for a moment. "That's fair. I get it. But just a heads up, you're making a complete ass out of yourself for someone who you don't even have a chance with."

My jaw literally dropped. What did she just say to me? Did she just say I didn't have a chance with her? I swear thats what I thought I heard but I must be deaf or something because there was no way -

"Thanks for ya know, saving me and all... Whatever you want to call that but I'm not going to just pretend that we aren't what we are."

I laughed, an obnoxious one at that. "Don't get your padded bra in a bunch, sweetheart. I'm not interested."

She flushed without a word and I smirked before walking off pissed. Yes, it was a complete lie but that wasn't why I was upset. I was upset because she beat me to the punch. She rejected me before I could even make a move. And, to top it all off, she said it in the cutest face I had ever seen.

What the fuck?

John was beside me in moments, five minutes to first period and I could tell that he saw me and Jenna conversing. He had a stupid grin on his face.

"Nothing happened, John."

He chewed his gum loudly. "Really? Sure didn't look like nothing to me."

Lets get this straight. John was my closest friend at school. But he also was very much afraid of me but never said it out loud. At times like this I wanted to literally punch him in the face because it was almost like he forgot who he was talking to.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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