Chapter 1

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No. No. No! Her thoughts screamed. She couldn't handle another disappearence. It was the sixth one this week. After her mum had told her this, she knew something strange was going on.

"Honey, you be careful, another young child went missing yesterday." Her mum's calming soothing voice was now a mixture of terror and despair.
"I know mum." Shed said back. But the truth scared her. Even if she was aware of her surroundings, things could still take a terrifying twist.

She kept her gaze on the newspaper.
"It's never like you to be so engrossed in a newspaper, Clara." Her mum sighed as she grabbed a plate of eggs and bacon.
"It's like a spell, I can't stop reading. As soon as my eyes hit the missing person section I have to read." Clara replied.
Clara kept her concentrated gaze on the newspaper and read. It read:

Another missing person by the name of Samuel Jones has been reported. Police have tried to investigate the 12 year old boys case, but his body along with all the others have not been found. We advise that people are careful, but even then things could take a terrifying twist. The kidnapper is still out there. Keep on high alert. We'll make sure to give you an update on any new clues.

"Hmm, that name sounds familiar." Clara whispered to herself, she put the newspaper down suddenly. Then she remembered, Samual Jones was a boy in her class. They weren't friends but she felt like she knew more about him than he knew about himself. Especially now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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