{chapter 2}

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Tommy's pov

I was really happy that ran let me stay on his shoulder and he was holding my waist oh my fucking god i could feel my face go red

"Good morning tommy" i heard bill's voice and i saw tubbo and bilzo here

I quickly took my head off ran's shoulder when i saw tubbo i knew that tubbo still liked him and i wanted to be a good friend

"Hey you ok?" he asked whispering

"Yes i'm ok" and while i said that he pulled me closer i tried to pull away a bit

"No stay" he said in a louder voice so that me and tubbo could probably hear but not bilzo

I kinda blushed from that he wasn't like that alot and oh my god it was kinda hot but i didn't wanna make tubbo upset

"Isn't that ranboo's hoodie" tubbo asked in a kinda upset tone

"Oh yea it is i let him wear it since its cold" ran said

"But i have asked and you always said no" tubbo muttered i could hear it but i think ranboo ignored it

Then i looked over to him and was some tears in his eyes then he walked away

I got up to talk to tubbo but i couldn't find him in the bathroom so i looked around and saw him in the corner in the kitchen he had his head in his knees so i couldn't see his face

"Hey you ok tubs" i said trying to make him feel better since i thought he was sad or angry i started to lean in and put my hand on his knee

He threw his arm out at me and it hit me in the face pretty hard thankfully i didn't yell out from the pain tubbo looked up

"Oh my god tommy i am so sorry i didn't mean to i was just upset about ranboo and stuff" he said talking really fast and he stopped crying but the pain from the hit since tubbo was really strong i couldn't hold back the tears

"Im sorry tubbo i-" i was stuttering but before i could say anything else ranboo and bilzo came into the kitchen and saw that my cheek was red and that i was crying and tubbo in front of me

Tubbo tried explaining but before he could ranboo hit him in the face standing in front of me

"RAN NO STOP" i yelled just before he punched tubbo again

"He didn't mean to hit me" i said holding his arm back

Tubbo got up and bill glared at him he

"I was having a panic attack and tommy tried to help but i was trying to hit his arm but i hit his face" tubbo explained leaving out the ranboo part

Ran and bill started to calm down soon after bill and tubbo left and it was around 2pm and me and ranboo were trying to find something to watch

"Oh shit we never did the stream sorry" i said

"Nah its ok i can do it another day" ran said looking over to me i could feel my face go red and i had butterflies

"If you want we could go out to a cafe or go to the beach or something" he said

Was this a date is he asking me out on a date no it isn't of course it isn't he sees me as a friend though he did pull me closer and didn't want me to leave

"Tom's?" he asked

"Oh yea sorry we could go to the cafe" i said in a zoned out kinda voice

"No its ok we don't have to go" he said with a sad tone

"Huh no what i wanna go i just zoned out" i said in a more excited tone

"Alright let's go" he said grabbing his keys and turning off the tv

We got in ran's car it was really nice i haven't been in his car before

When we got to the cafe we sat down in a booth and sat across from each other it felt like we were on a date and i knew that we weren't but still it felt nice

"So what do you want" ran said

"Oh i will just get a coke or something" i said

"No get some real food you probably didn't have any before you got here so my treat" he said smiling

"Oh thank you i will get waffles and a coke" i said giggling a bit

"And i'll get french toast and water thank you" he said thanking the waiter 

"He was good looking aye" ranboo said to me

I was confused and flustered a bit

"Woah you ok man" he said

"Um yeah" i said awkwardly

"And by the way i was joking your better looking" he said smirking and in a flirty but also kinda sarcastic tone

I felt my face go bright red and couldn't say anything

But thankfully the food came and we thanked the waitress for bringing our food

After we ate we walked to the beach and talked for a couple of hours and watched the sunset go down we looked at each other at the same time and we made eye contact all i could think about was kissing him i just wanted to so bad

"Its beautiful isn't it toms?" he said looking back over to the sun set

"Yea.. yes it is" but i didn't look over to the sunset i just kept on looking at ran

"Come on we should go" ranboo said while standing up

He pulled his hand out to me to help me up and when i grabbed it he started to run while holding onto me i ran with him

Once we got in to his car we both started to laugh it was amazing being with him

We drove back to his place it was about 6pm

While walking into the house ran looked over to me "hey do you wanna stay the night since it's late and yeah"

I smiled "yes i would love to i have my changes and stuff so that's good"

We sat back down on the couch and we watched red noticed

The movie ended

"Oh my god ryan reynolds is hot. We need to watch another movie with him in it can we"he asked

"If you weren't straight you would think so too i'd say" ran said

"I'm not" i mumbled 

"Huh?" he said curiously

"I'm not" i said louder

"Wait what" he said surprised

"So are you gay?" he asked

"I think im bisexula" i said looking down to my side

"Welp i guess your not the straight token friend anymore" he laughed and so did i

I leaned up to him more while he put on the hitman's bodyguard

He kissed the top of my head. I felt my face go really hot and I got butterflies. I felt safe with him and I was happy that he was the first person that I told

1186 words

love yall <33

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