Chapter 2

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Daniel's P.O.V
"Here eat up well" Ed said as he placed a plate full of food in front of me... Usuly he doesn't give a fuck about us especially about me but today for some reason he does
"What the actual hell? Did a rock fell on your head or something?" I asked confused looking at him making him smile at me
"No... I am just taking care of you, now that my idol has taken a liking to you..." he said
"Oi... Don't get twisted ideas in your stupid head! That psycho doesn't like anything... He just simply wants to minipulate me and treat me like a garble by blinding me with his money and house" I said
"And how is that bad hm? You are 19 and you will live like a king, you will be under his protection! He will care for you, look after you, you won't have to worry about anything anymore" he said making me roll my eyes
"Maybe... But It won't be right.... This money won't be mine nothing will be mine... It will be his and he won't share it with a street rat like me... I'm 100 procent sure" I said
"Oi you idiot... He is smithen by your beauty... Didn't you see how he looked at you, if u were you I would seduce him and get anything I want from him... Make him fall in love with you head over heals, then you will manipulate him easaly" he said making me sigh a bit
"Can you leave me to eat in pice... I'm not making him fall on love with me, I am not going to live with him and I'm certainly not giving shit to you
.. If your so in love with him you go with him... I'll make a life of my own" I said before I taking a bite of my food
"Mhm..." he said before taking the plate of food from me
"Eat whatever you find then" he said making me roll my eyes
"Imbasul" I said before taking a rest closing my eyes
I would lie if I say I didn't find that psycho attractive... But then again I would also lie if I say that he was my type... He's a psycho only thing he knows is how to kill someone and how to scare and manipulate people... I don't want a partner like that... How can I know if he one day doesn't decide to murder me... You never know with a psycho like him
"Aish... Why do I keep think g about him..." I asked my self as I looked out of the window sighing a bit
The only relationship I knew was my mom and dad's, and theirs was true love, my dad was kind hearted and took care of my mom, he wouldn't hurt her in any way and my mom loved him, their love was perfect... That is the kind of partner I want for my self... Some one that will take care of me and simply love with me with all their heart, someone that won't harm a fly

Andrew's P.O.V
"Uncle! Did you see the superhero that saved me? Isn't he handsome?" my nephew asked making me bend down next to him
"Mhh I saw the super hero that saved you... I'm becoming a fan of him as well" I said to him as he amiled
"Can I see the super hero again uncle?" he asked making me nod slowly as I kissed his head
"If uncle plays his cards right, the super hero will come to live here with us" I said to him as he jumped up and down happily
"Yayy!!!" he said
"Now goa have some breakfast" I said as he nodded leaving me with my sister again
"I don't know who that superhero casted his spell on, Michael or you" she said making me look at her
"What does that suppose to mean Izabella?" I asked making her shrug
"I don't tell me... What's with you wanting him to come live here?" she asked making me sigh a bit
"I'm just trying to keep my eye on him..." I said before she smiled
"Be that as it may then... I won't pressure you anymore" she said making me nod slowly
"Good..." I said as she laughed a bit
"Sir... I contacted the people that started the fire... Well they don't know that I have a trail on them" James said making me nod slowly
"Keep it that way... I want those assholes to trust me and then to pay with their lives... Don't mess this up" I said as he nodded slowly
"I won't sir... Uhh what would you like me to do with that kid... Daniel?" he asked making me look at him
"What I would like you to do with him? I would like you to do nothing okay... Don't you dare lay a finger on him... Just look after him got it... And leave him up to me" I said making him nod slowly
"Got it sir... I will make sure the others know this" he said making me nod
"Good" I said as he walked away making me sigh a bit
"Tsk... That little brat... He thinks he will get off the hook so easaly with me? I will show him who's the boss" I said as I kept thinking about our meeting
"James... Tonight at around 8pm be ready you and me we will go get him" I said as he nodded
"I can have someone else get him sir if you are too busy" he said making me glare at him
"No I'm good I will get him my self" I said making him nod slowly
"I got it sir" he said before walking away

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