Till Forever Ends

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The swaying branches of the trees cast shadows on the sheet of moonlight that fell on the corridor. The hallway ran long and silent,  decorated with the portraits of the old and gone, shiny suits of armor standing tall and proud.

Under the scrutiny of one such portrait, in the shadow cast by one such armor, stood two boys, quietly exchanging chaste kisses.

Or, as quietly as they could with this asshole ripping Eden's lips out goddamnit.

"Wildling, can you please- ow!" Prince Eden's palms wrapped around the other Prince's bicep, gripping it painfully hard when he had deposited a particularly violent tug at his lip, as he tried his hardest to keep his squeals to a bare minimum. It was embarrassing as it was, he didn't need people finding out too.

Prince Kenneth chuckled into his mouth, both his palms vacating their place at his waist to come up to his face instead. Eden placed his palms on Kenneth's waist instead, playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Sorry Chippy" he whispered, lightly dragging his thumbs across Eden's cheekbones, his lips not quite leaving his. "I've grown to find your lips sort of irresistible"

Eden snorted, a light blush powdering his cheeks, thankfully hidden by the dark. God forbid this dude saw him blush.

"You know," he said, leaning back a bit, effectively succeeding in immediately bringing a pout onto the other boy's lips. "You won't find them there for long if you continue on the path you're currently trudging"

Kenneth smirked a bit, though his pout remained. "Maybe that's what I want?"

Eden faked a gag, lightly hitting Kenneth on the chest. "What kind of disgusting person says that?" he asked, looking up at him, revolted.

Kenneth shrugged, a grin now gracing his lips, and pulled Eden into him by his waist. Eden let himself be easily dragged into the embrace, the way Kenneth's arms fit around his hips giving a comforting feeling of home. His head automatically landed on the crook of his neck, Kenneth's heartbeat steady under his ears. With Kenneth wrapped around him like a koala and his heat radiating off Eden's body, that right there felt like home.

And boy, did that scare Eden.

The amount of contentment and the sense of safety Kenneth could make Eden feel was incomparable to what he had ever experienced. It scared Eden, how much control Kenneth had on his heart, and just how much value Kenneth McRig had grown to hold in his life within the short span of 25 days. Yes, he's been keeping count.

He knew he shouldn't have fallen this far this fast but don't blame him for falling, he's just a little boy.

Well, maybe not a little boy but he's a big fan okay.

He knew this was wrong, that this could not be his path, his destiny. He knew he was embarking on a one-way ticket to eternal doom with this but for the love of God, he couldn't get himself to pull away.

He couldn't get himself to keep a distance between himself and Kenneth every time they met. He couldn't make himself stop staring at his goddamn lips every time they were in the vicinity of his poor eyes. He couldn't get himself to stop seeking out Kenneth at the oddest times of the day. He couldn't, because Kenneth was the North Pole, Eden the South-- no matter how much he tried to keep him- them- away, he couldn't.

Because how could he, when all the right things he'd ever done didn't feel as right as this wrong one did?

Presently Kenneth hugged Eden closer, his mouth grazing the shorter boy's ear as he whispered, "Alright, Shortie?"

Eden nodded, burrowing further into his chest, forgetting his worries for the moment in favor of being in this man's embrace.

"Never better"

Till Forever EndsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora