Indian Classical that hit right in the face...OUCH

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She is playing Hindi classical songs. And currently is sleeping after crying for a long time. I'm happy and shedding salty crocodile tears. C'mon! It's CROCODILE TEARS! Not the ACTUAL tears! OKAY?!

She took a day off. She went to hang out with Emile and it was almost evening. She is pressing the bell of Rylan's door. No one is answering the door. She didn't even call him. So I'm now rushing there with my make-up on. When she saw Rylan, she looked at him almost lifelessly. Emile isn't with her.

He asked, "Jillian, Where's Emilia? You could bring her too."
She walked closer step by step like a zombie which freaked me out more. I could only hear Hindi classical songs. But I stood still to see what she does. But she isn't stopping where she had to. My eyes got wider. She stopped now. She is standing less than half a meter away. I could smell her regular perfume. Our feet touched. She stared hard into my eyes without blinking once. Her eyes have always comforted me, but now I'm scared to look yet I'm not moving my eyes. The fact that I'm not able to hear her mind is frightening at this moment. She could hear my loud breath in absolute silence. There is only the sound of waves breaking at the shore. That only declares silence loudly. But her silence is screaming in my heart. That is why my heartbeat can also be heard. Her look is still the same. Hindi classical song is still playing in our heads.

It stopped! The songs stopped. In fact, everything stopped as if. She suddenly looked at my chest once, then at my lips, and then looked into my eyes. But this time, her beautiful eyes were full of tears. Tears reflected that she is feeling betrayed. But it also reflected something different but before I could read it more, she slapped me hard! The songs now burst my ears as if!

She slapped me more and more on both cheeks. I was standing still because only now I heard her mind and she was shouting "( RUO, YOU TRAITOR!!!)" She bawled loudly. those songs played again.

I quickly wrapped my hands around her and she was still moving furiously until she calmed down. She wrapped her hands around me and started crying loudly. Her grip tightened and mine did too. She hid her face in my chest. and I hid my face in her shoulders. I cried too. That salty crocodile tears but this time it's uncontrollable. As if I waited my whole life for this moment. But still! I believe it's crocodile tears and is not true.

I shed that more and more. I realized I sobbed too. I cried loudly maybe. Shame on you,

Riouyo-oukkan! You call yourself a man? The songs played again.

She sniffled, "Ruo! You will never leave me again. Promise me!"
I sniffled and released the hug and looked at her. She had tears. She had feared. She wanted to confirm, " Will you? No, right?"
I had real tears now. I looked away releasing the hug and going a step far away. My eyes were still down. I can't lie to her anymore. She had that look. That angry yet confused look. I've always feared that look the most. I couldn't look into her eyes.

She asked, " So you did everything on purpose. But let's see who wins. We will live together forever. And I will win."

I answered keeping my head lowered, " Don't promise something you can't keep. I'm not like you guys. Remember? I'm 50%. Here is my time counter."

She looked tensely at it. It said '109 days, 12 hours, 45 seconds'
So, the classical songs hit me right in the face.

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