Chapter two

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I glare at myself on the mirror. I hate it. I. HATE. IT. This red leather jacket doesn't suit me well. Why does Chris have to be extra? He's obviously the only one enjoying all that cake makeup and big effects... I'm glad hes the only one becoming a werewolf in that video clip.  

My fingers are crooked against the porcelain bathroom sink. I open a little plastic case and dig out a liquid eyeliner. I place my finger up my eyebrow and start tracing a line.


The door opens and I jump, messing up my line.


I expected Ricky to be there but turns out Justin appears in the bathroom, arms crossed on his chest.  

-Watchu want?

He smiles and says :

-Nice eyeliner.

I grunt and tell him to leave me alone. What was the point? He's about to turn on his heels but i stop him right before.

-Yo Justin, make yourself useful for once, where's Ricky?

He raises his shoulders and start to leave.

-He got in the dining room at 7 A.M. to get coffee, he said he didn't sleep enough last night.

I blush. Neither did I, to be honest.

-But yeah, redo your liner 'cause youre looking like a kid playing with his mom's cosmetics.

-And you look like a predator. Leave me alone now, would ya?

He shruggs and laugh. Justin slams the door behind him. I couldn't tell if I hate more the jacket or Justin. I rub my eye with makeup remover and do some vertical lines over my gaze. I add a bit of black powder over my eyelids.

Once I'm ready, I go downstairs with the boys. Ryan is eating his third plate of breakfast while Chris is blasting some George Michael songs and singing very loudly. Ricky is sitting on the lobby couch, eyes focused on his phone. He seems absent. Something must be bothering him. As soon as Chris sees me, he completely stops his music.

-Oh! Here's the late riser!

I greet him with a simple head shake and go sit next to Ricky. He doesn't even look at me. Did something happen while i was upstairs? I gently tap his knee but he takes it away.


He raises an eyebrow towards me.


-Was everything alright last night ?, I ask, shy.

-Just trouble sleeping , he answers while watching his phone.

Is he really avoiding it? And me? Is he ashamed of what we did? He rapidly gets up and I grab his wrist. He glares at me while tying to get rid of my grip.

-Let me go, Vinny, he says coldly.

-You clearly said the opposite last night !, I retort.

-I don't know what you're talking about, maybe you dreamt of it. Now, let me go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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