Too Late For This

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Arden POV
I woke up feeling nothing really, I mean the first day of school big deal. I stare at the clouds I did this every morning, I create kind of like a book in my head about what the clouds shapes are doing. It's a weird thing I guess but it's my own little world that I can make my own. The second year of college isn't gonna be any different than the first. I got up and got dressed, I wore my favorite avengers graphic t-shirt and black skater skirt and my white converse. I pulled 2 strands of hair from the sides of my hair and added a red bow. I step out of my dorm, here goes nothing.
Trent POV
Teaching. It wasn't what I totally wanted to do with life but hey shit happens. I washed up and put on my button up t-shirt and my black dressy pants. Damn I hated fancy clothes, I would rather wear jeans. My first teaching job, I needed to make a good impression. I drive up to the door of the university. Here goes absolutely nothing.
Arden POV
I was late. I was late. How could this be? I'm always on time. I then realize that I probably forgot to set my alarm on the right time. I hate my life really I do. I walk up to the school office, asking for another schedule seeing as I forgot mine. I saw a man he was in a rush, I've never seen him before but he's really hot. He had blonde hair that was tossed to the side and dark blue eyes and slight freckles. His muscles were bulging out of his shirt I couldn't help but stare.
Trent POV
I'm late, shit I say as I look at my watch. My car was stuck in god damn traffic. Great first impression I think as I rush into the school office. Someone caught my eye she was beautiful I her way. She had brown long wavy hair with stunning milk chocolate brown eyes. She seemed young but damn she was definitely a different face. She was checking for her schedule I snook a look her first period was mine! Oh shit the things I want to do to her have turned illegal.
Arden POV
I walk to class that happens to be right across the school oh wow the world does fucking hate me. I'm taking a new class this year literature, I wanted to be a writer for the longest time but I never thought I was good enough. Someone was slight behind me I sneak a look turns out it's that guy again, the really hot one from before.
"Hey" he says as he speeds up to my side
"Urmm hi" I say awkwardly
"So what's your name?"
"Arden" I say putting my head down
"Ahh your in my class, literature first hour, right? He says looking at his list
"Umm yeah"
"So why did you choose literature?"
I finally cracked, it was getting too awkward plus I was really attracted to him.
"Look we're in a hallway both really late, so I don't think this is the best time to make small chat" I say sarcastically as I walk fast ly to the door.
Trent POV
Did I just get rejected? I thought she would be completely over me. She totally ignored my presence, maybe she just wasn't into me... or maybe I'm just her PROFESSOR. But still I felt embarrassed like the only girl I really thought was attractive, had to be my god damn student. I walk in after Arden all the eyes of students are staring at me and her. Most of the girls are acting like there slutty selves twirling their hair. But I just couldn't take my eyes off of the one and only Arden. What a beautiful name I smile to myself.
Arden POV
I walk into class quickly, I really hated being the center of attention. I grab a seat next to my best friend Ryder Cartensen. Me and Ryder became best friends on the first day of freshmen year, it happened when we accidentally bumped into each other and started talking about the books we were reading. He also saved me from some serious anxiety attacks. Cheesy right!
"Yo Ar why are you so late?"
"Stop calling me that stupid nick name, and I forgot to set my alarm correctly" I say bitterly"
"Damn, well your lucky our teacher was late too"
"Hahaha sure, soo what have...
"ARDEN, I called your name for attendance three times already" says the prick of a teacher
"Well you saw me come in and you know my name, so I mean one can infer" I say sarcastically earning a laugh from the whole class and a high five from Ryder.
"Meet me after class Ms. Thomas"
"Okay Mr. Devon" I say confidently, I won't let him embarrass me.
Trent POV
She embarrassed me again? What is up with this girl, seriously killing my vibe. I needed to get her alone, I don't know why but I just had to. I guess I'm kinda glad she talked back to me. And who is that kid by her, are they dating? Why should I even care?
"okay class, literature is a art where you can be the imaginative person out there or the most realist person, let's go around the room and share our interests in literature and why you chose this class"
Almost everyone in the class said "literature was easy" which wasn't surprising but then Arden's turn came up.
"I chose this class because when I write I'm not stuck in this world of being a human, but I'm in a world of endless possibilities." She says with her sweet calming voice.
"Wow, some of you guys need to realize that this class isn't going to be easy. So get ready for it because you'll be with me the whole year" I say
"Okay let's talk about literature people!"
Arden POV
The whole class went pretty well, it was just him talking about different types of literature and stuff like that. I was pretty zoned out of everything it all went pretty fast. The bell ringed. Oh shit I have to stay her... DAMN IT
Picture of Trent on side

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