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My name is Y/N L/N. To summarize everything, I hate it here. I don't know why I'm here, nor why I'm really alive either at this point. It all just.. makes no sense. I don't even know why I'm here. I'm only here because everyone thinks I'm insane. I'm not insane, but maybe my quirk makes it seem that way. But either way.. I don't want to be here.

(Bakugou's POV)

This is fucking bullshit. How the fuck did I find myself all the way in America to look after some extra. I had these two bastards beside me with whole ass guns and track suits. They haven't said a word to me beside "Follow us" and now we are walking down this freaky hall with steel doors every corner. This place gives me the creeps. All I knew is that this place was some kind of lab with people who are either insane or dangerous, and my task was to look after one of them.

The guard to my left didn't say shit to me, only to the guard on my right, almost like I wasn't fucking there. Not that I really fucking cared. It was until they halted, I wasn't fucking warned to I ended up just slamming into them.

"Oi, why'd you stop fucking walking." I growled, now just getting pissed off.

We're here."

One of them took out a card to unlock the door, opening it for the three of us to go inside. It was a bland room, white, with one wall being all tinted glass and some kind of controls in front of it. 'The fuck is this place..'

"Behind that glass is the person you will be taking care of for as long as the waver, you have signed previously." Said one of the guards.

They gave me the basics to the controls, easy as fucking pie. It was only then they showed the very last switch to get rid of the tint of the glass to show what was inside. Inside the glass stood a girl. Her (h/c) hair was long, dragging against the floor. She was writing on a chalkboard, just.. writing nonsense that wasn't even worth reading. I couldn't see her face, or much of anything for that fact.

After observing her for a while, I didn't realize that both guards had left till I heard the heavy steel door slam shut.

I looked back at the girl and could only sigh. This was going to be a fucking ride.

"Her name is Y/N L/N, considered one of the insane."

'Fucking great..'

Without another word, they just fucking left. 'Okay..? Bastards..' I looked at her. They already explained that she could see me and that I had to fucking introduce myself.. great.

(Y/N's POV)

I heard the familiar ringing of the speaker turning on, guess someone wants to talk.. But it surely wasn't the most pleasant greeting.

"Hey Rapunzel, I'm your new care taker. The name's Katsuki Bakugou, just don't do anything fucking stupid and we won't have a problem."

I could almost feel his glare through the glass. I couldn't help but look straight into the mirror, knowing well enough that someone was standing behind it.

"S-Show yourself.." I said.

He must have hesitated for a second, not actually deciding to show himself for a few seconds. But then I heard the click of a button, the mirror now turning clear, feeling his stare burrow into me. Just the feel of his glare sent a shiver up my spine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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