Chapter 1

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You were waving as you were sent to the air temple you were on a flying bison and you sit back and put both of your hands on the back of your hand and stretch your legs and close your eyes some time pass and you open your eyes and you see you are at the northern air temple

You were waving as you were sent to the air temple you were on a flying bison and you sit back and put both of your hands on the back of your hand and stretch your legs and close your eyes some time pass and you open your eyes and you see you are ...

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I then get out of the flying bison amd then the Council of Elders

Gyatso: hello Y/n you were sent here to learn airbender you are the first person to bend more than 1 element that wasn't the avatar

Y/n: oh well ok let's train I can't wait to learn airbender

Gyatso: no Y/n air bending is not about attacking it's about defending mercy


Some time has passes you learned and almost mastered airbender and you and aang became friends

Y/n: hey I wonder when I'm gonna get my tattoos like you aang

Aang: we'll you have to master airbending first in order to get these tattoos

Y/n: heheh I guess your right


I was sleeping but I was being shaked by aang I then get up

Y/n: hm what's up aang

Aang: I'm gonna leave and I need you to come with me

Y/n: uhh why are you leaving and why do you want to bring me

Aang: because something with Gyatso and your my best friend so I want you to come with me

Y/n: *yawn* uh sure  let me get the rest of my stuff

I get all of my stuff my fan my clothes and a photo and I put all of that in my bag and I walk to aang flying bison I get on and appa flys away  but suddenly a storm happens out of nowhere and appa crashes in the water and aang covers us in a iceberg using the avatar state


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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