Chapter 1

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Belos' POV:

I walked through the hallways, Kikimora following closely as I tried my best to read up on ways I could help Riven. She's been asleep for the past week, I'm growing worried. The Collector has been of no help at all, simply saying he threw the things off the shelves and watched them settle in the dirt. I managed to surgically implant a second lung, so at least now she should be able to wake up and properly function, but her galderstone is still a massive problem. If it stays cracked, it will stop randomly, acting as a heart attack and rendering her lifeless until it starts again. I managed to update that ventilator to pump in a type of magic through the tubes to help persuade her 'heart' to start again. Finding a routine for her will be difficult, so will finding a place for her in the castle. Few people know of her existence, and it will stay that way until I have a story solidified for her. 

So far, I've been telling people I found her in the forest, covered in dirt. She was injured, so I brought her here to heal. The flaw there is that now people will expect her to leave at some point. Maybe that will happen, but until I fix her galderstone, she stays in the castle- it's the safest option for her right now.

"Emperor, the scouts are beginning to... gosip" Kikimora's voice broke me from my thoughts, making me look down at her small figure.
"Hm? And what about?" I mused, knowing the answer, word of Riven's appearance spread like wild fire, as did word of my nephew.
"The woman you found, what will happen when she heals?" she asked, making me wince, I knew that was coming, and as previously said I don't have a solid answer.

"I suppose she'll leave, or maybe she'll stay and I'll employ her here in the castle. I pity her, after what happened to my Brother and Sister-in-law, those affected by wild magic... I suppose I have a soft spot for them, now don't I?" I gave a pleasent smile, Kikimora seemingly happy with the answer before I heard a loud cry echo through the halls.

"Hunter!" I dropped my books, running down the hall and bursting through the door, before slowing down when I heard humming. I walked through the entryway of Hunter's nursery, the humming getting louder as I gently opened the door, my staff ready to attack if needed as I gasped, spotting Riven holding Hunter in her arms.

"Easy now, young one... I didn't mean to scare you, I was just exploring..." she whispered, bouncing him in her arms as a happy squeal escaped the infant. I smiled, opening the door all the way, making Riven stop and turn to me, fear written over her face.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I heard Hunter cry and got worried he was hurt" I stepped to her, turning the lights on.

"Hunter... so that's your name..." She smiled and gently brushed his hair back.
"He's my nephew, and I-"
"Emperor Belos, I've heard. I've been walking around for a bit and heard a lot of you" I nodded, stepping to her as she put Hunter back in his basinet.

"I'm sure the scouts had a fun time wondering why a woman wearing nothing but a robe was wandering through the castle" her eyes went wide, looking at herself before hugging her arms around her.
"My apologies, I didn't mean to make you insecure" she looked me up and down, before seeming to relax.
"You're much nicer than what the scouts say" she snickered, making me smile. Most grimwalkers take a few weeks to adjust to life, but she seemed to be perfectly fine.

"The scouts adore rumors, I don't personally think I'm particularily mean... I'm just stern with the scouts" she hummed in response, heading towards the door.
"I have a feeling I wasn't supposed to leave my room... was I?" I nodded, seeing her smile again before she looked around.
"I uh..."
"I'll take you back, come" she nodded, beginning to follow me.

"So, what happened to me? I don't remember anything before waking up here" I sighed, I hate lying... but... I feel like I have no choice.
"You were attacked by wild witches in the forests of Bonesborough, I found you while out for a walk, and brought you here. Your heart suffered, I'm actively looking for ways to cure you" she stopped walking, making me look to her as she placed a hand on her chest, the other brushing her hair away from her face repeatedly. Her hair was extremely long, I did have some healers come and bathe her, but perhaps I should've had them cut her hair to a more managable length for her.

"Riven?" She looked to me, confusion before she began to laugh.
"My name is Laverna" she smiled, making me feel hot in the face. This was a new feeling... I've never felt that before...
"My apologies, I shortened your name... a nick name of sorts, but I should've asked" she seemed to be even more confused than before.
"No, it's ok... I like that...  Riven is nice" she started walking again, following close behind me. All you could hear were my boots clicking on the tiles while followed by a faint padding sound of Rivens bare feet. Maybe should get her some proper clothing.

We got to where she was staying, making me look around. It was small and cramped, it was stationed near the healers, maybe she should... She is my responsibility, much like Hunter is, perhaps moving her closer to Hunter and I will be a benefit.

"Actually, this won't be your room anymore, Riven"
"Oh?" I nodded, turning on my heel and remembering there's another room down the hall from mine. No one in the castle needs to know they're grimwalkers, meaning I have to handle their health, the closer they are to me, the safer they'll be. 
"You're certainly charming" her words made me freeze. 

"Uhm... thank you" I didn't understand her, she's unlike any Grimwalker I've ever known. Though... I didn't make her, and I don't know who she was made after. When I first found that cave there were a lot of skeletons there, the Collector just shoving things... who knows how many things got mixed in to make her, she might not even be made her one specific person, there could be a dozen witches she been molded into. 

"You're staring, my lord-"
"Belos, just call me Belos. Please" she smiled again, which made me feel... like there were butterflies in my stomach. What a peculiar feeling. I lead her into the bedroom, walking down the entry way and into the bedroom portion, letting her look around.

"It's... too much, I can't accept this-"
"Nonsense, my dear. I want you to be comfortable while we figure out how to heal you" she was speechless, heading over to the gold and white bed and feeling the covers.

"Thank you, for all you've done for me, Belos" I nodded, turning on my heel.
"Feel free to find me for anything you need, and... feel free to visit Hunter" with that, I left, heading back to the throne room.

Riven certainly was interesting, part of me is excited to get to know her... if she survives, that is. Her condition worries me, and now I'm finding myself feeling attached to her, like I have to protect her. I only just properly met her, she's been asleep for the past week. She seems to have so much character to her, and the fact that I don't know how she SHOULD be acting, it makes her exciting in a way. I suppose the same goes for Hunter, since he never had the chance to show me who he would be, so now I get to witness two lives growing together. Riven seemed drawn to Hunter, part of me feels like I should be worried about that, but... perhaps they can benifit from eachother as Grimwalkers. 

I guess I'll have to wait and see, now won't I?

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