Chapter 1: Cat Scratch's despise for mirrors

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Cat Scratch hated a lot of things, she hated tea. she hated being alone, but most of all, she hated mirrors.

Poor Cat Scratch hated mirrors because she didn't like how she looked in them. Nothing was wrong with her, other then the skin around one of her eyes was pealed off. Cat Scratch wanted nothing more then to look normal.

"Ever since that fire cracker hit my eye, I've never been the same

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"Ever since that fire cracker hit my eye, I've never been the same..." said Cat Scratch to herself one day. The injury Cat Scratch has can't be healed. She's forever stuck with a piece of her skeleton being visible. Cat Scratch lived alone on a mountain, she mainly avoided contact with other beans, if she ever did, she always wore a special mask. A very, special mask.

Whenever Cat Scratch needed to go out, she put on a cat mask to hide her injury. The only times Cat Scratch would need to go out is when she needed to get groceries or if she wanted to take a walk through the forest. Other then that, she remained inside her house...alone...

Cat Scratch had a normal house, there was nothing really different about it. She kept her mask on top of a shelf, where it remained when she wasn't wearing it. Cat Scratch created her cat mask a long time ago, right after the accident happened. I know I keep calling her Cat Scratch, but that's not her real name, that's just the name she was nicknamed. No body knows her real name...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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