I had a weird feeling....

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  It was a bright, sunny Friday morning. The smell of cooking bacon and homemade pancakes set my smell buds on fire. But thats not what  woke me up, it was my mother. My mother was screaming my name from downstairs. 

"Gabriel Rosalina Hernandez marcha tu trasero aquí abajo en este mismo segundo." My mother said in spanish.

I didnt really understand what she was saying, because being woke up by screaming is not really how I planned my Friday. I walked down the stairs, tripping on the last few steps. I was hoping to get a "Are you okay?" But instead I got snickers from my brother and My best friend Mariah. She lives right across the street from me, but she practically lives her now, Since her mom is on a bussiness trip and her dad is in Afganishan. 

"Your boyfriend is on tv again" my mother said winking at me, She thought is was cute when she said that he was my boyfriend, when she knows there is no way in hell he is ever gonna be my boyfriend. 

"He isnt my boyfriend, mom you know that, stop setting me up for failure" I said with a frown on my face. I plopped on the couch and turned up the tv.  Mindless Behavior was doing a interview with MTV. 

"Only if they would come to our city." Mariah said to me. That is my only dream, is to see Roc...uh.. I mean Mindless Behavior. Okay I amit it Im head over heels for Roc. I have been for 3 years now!

"What are you doing for your birthday? Saturday right??" My brother Anthony asked me. He know when my birthday is he just loves making me mad.

"Yeah idiot" I repiled. " I just wanna hang out with Mariah maybe go bowling but I dont really wanna do anything?" 

"I have a better Idea" My mom insited. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, my mom hasnt planned a birthday day for me in almost 3 years. " How about later today me you and Mariah, go shopping, get our nails done, and hair done and I'll take you somewhere special on Saturday?"

Wow, is this my mother? She hates everything she just said she'll do. But im up for it!

"Okay, i'll get dresses" . I spoke to everyone. I ran upstairs, excited I hurried and threw some clothes on, just the regular.  I ran back down the staires and everyone got really quite, Mariah was looking at me like "Hayyyyy"

"Ready to go?" My mom asked.

"Yeah just let me go get a jacket". I grabbed a jacket and ran to the car.

We started to drive and all of a sudden we got into the car and and "Keep Her On The Low" came on. Everyone in the car was jamming. Even my mom. What is wrong with her I have a weird feeling about this surprise? o.O

So Much For My Happy Endingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن