chapter 23

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dedicated to @mashton_cake hey love! i promised you a dedication didnt i? well here it goes.. its the last one as well...




Ow! my back hurts! ugh!

i touched my surroundings and felt the floor... wait.. why am i on the floor? 

All i remember was sleeping on the coach, the next thing i know is that i fell...

what the smurfs?!?

I opened my eyes and saw Luke looking down at me.

"what?" i asked him rubbing my eyes...

"Afternoon sleeping beauty!" he said while extending his hand to me.

I took his hand and look at the clock and saw that it is in fact afternoon.

"Afternoon Tamz" everyone greeted me once i entered the dining room.

i just nodded my head and grabbed a plate and started gathering food in my plate and eating them.

once i finished my food i noticed that zayn's missing...

"Hey, where's zayn?" i asked.

"Oh he's talking to management." Harry said.

i just nodded and they started talking again.

"What are we going to do today guys?" Ella asked.

"Well... we could just chill and call over some friends if that's ok with you guys." Claire said.

we just nodded and silence covered the room.

"EIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" Ella shrieked.

and that was all it took for us to look at her surprised...

"What happened?!" Calum asked her, panic on his face.

oooohhh... what is going on here?

"Girls!!! TYLER's HERE!!!!! im just going to fetch him.. ok? ok? BYE GIRLS and GUYS!!!" Ella said rushing to her stuff and running out of the door to her car and drove straight to the airport.

"oh..." Calum said sadly. Its like a puppy was just killed right in front of him.

"Wait! Tyler is coming? NO! NOO! oh my smurfs! no! this is not happening!" Bree said pissed and panic in her voice.

" Is he that bad?" Louis asked.

"you have no idea" sammy answered him.

"Welp!  lets not dwell with this at the moment... Lets just chill! come on guys!" Michael said...

We all stood up quietly and shrugged but followed him in the game room.

"ok lets play... just dance.. game?" Ashton asked

"Game! Me and you!" Michael said to Ashton and Ashton just nodded.

"Me and Calum gets to pick the song!" Luke said.

Niall whispered something to Calum which made Calum giggle and passed it to Luke which caused Luke to smirk...

They picked out the song and that's all it takes for us to all burst out laughing...

'My anaconda dont, my anaconda dont, Myy Anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun..'

"THis is my Jam!" Michael said while twerking which caused all of us to laugh again and caused Aston to giggle and try to twerk while wearing skinnys.

Half way through the song we all heard a...


"Oh my Pizza! Guys!!! i ripped my pant!!!" Michael said and showed us that indeed that his pants were ripped...

"HAAHAHAHAH!!! Thats what you get when you dance Anaconda with skinnys.. both of you!" Harry said.

With that we all calmed ourselves down and continue to play... this wasnt such a bad day after all.


And that the last update im going to do for a while.. sorry guys! but id like to dedicate this book or chapter to these people...





Thank you guys so much for your patience and support! till next time guys! byeii


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