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"Sunako, you have fifteen minutes to be up and ready!"

A tired groan fills the dark room, sunlight barely managing to peek through the covered window, the blackout curtains were definitely a good call. Sheets rustle as the lump under them starts to shift, arms appearing with a lazy stretch, the rest of your body follows as you sit up with half open eyes.

Today was an important day, the first day at a new school, more specifically your first day at UA high school. A weird nervousness settles deep in your bones, not because of starting school, but because of what relies on it to go smoothly.

That could be dwelled on later but for now, you slip out of bed, and into the warmth of a much needed shower. It takes no time to shower, brush your teeth and change into the school uniform the principal had personally sent to the house.

The moment you get downstairs and into the kitchen you hear the conversation before you actually see your sisters sitting at the small table.

"I was honestly surprised at the way that hero reacted. It's embarrassing how quickly he broke down into tears."

A laugh slips from you at the memory of yesterday's events, it honestly was embarrassing for him, he definitely didn't fit the mold of a hero and you have no problem saying that much out loud.

"It was hard for me not to laugh on the spot, what a baby."

Mari, your oldest sister, snorts at your revelation. Seiko on the other hand rolls her eyes before playfully scolding you about interrupting the conversation.

"Hey, hey, the adults are talking ya brat."

Sticking your tongue out at her, you grab a granola bar from the cabinet, before sliding into an empty seat at the table. The mood seems to shift, playfulness disappearing, your sisters turn to look at you.

"Are you ready? I know this is a big responsibility for you but I don't want you to stress about it too much. As far as they know or care, you're just a transfer student, that's all anyone but us needs to know. Do you know who your target is?"

Seiko looks at you expectantly, of course you know, that hero's kid.

"Shoto Todoroki."

She nods at that response, sharing a quick glance with your sister, she questions you further. This seemingly intense questioning was simply just to make sure you really were as prepared as you had said.

"What is your mission?"

Without skipping a beat, a spark of anger flares up in your gut, there is no way you're going to mess this up. Not with what the heroes had done to your family, someone had to pay, and you're more than happy to collect on that debt.

"Get close to him and the rest of the class without being suspected, make them trust me and ultimately, destroy them from the inside out. I will not fail, I will bring every bit of information I gather home. They will not get away with what they did to our mother. This is all for her."

The tension dissipates as quickly as it came, Mari is the first to stand from her seat, offering you a sympathetic smile.

"We know it's hard and we're so proud of you. If you're all finished getting ready I can walk with you to school."

You jump at the offer understanding exactly what she's implying and with as much sincerity you can muster up, you ask the question you know she'll agree to.

"A golden retriever this time?"

Surprisingly she laughs at that and just as you expected she does it, the dog appears right in front of you, tail wagging and all.

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