1- Beginning

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Warnings: This chapter contains the following: Sensitive topics such as Abuse Locking in room and pee

please keep that in mind while reading!

Okay, lets start at the beginning, when i was born, Baylor, Scott hospital at 2:33 am in Waco Texas.. I was with my mother for 2 years until the government thought she wasn't taking good enough care of us. So me and my current 4 siblings got moved with my grandparents where from what all i can remember we often got abused and trapped in rooms, I had a... A little..Peeing? problem which I still have. My mother says it's because of trauma, but besides the point when I would pee the bed i would get locked in the bathroom for months on end and forced to sleep in the tub or on the toilet.

Okay it wasn't all that bad just because we got hit and locked in rooms a lot doesn't change the fact we sometimes had fun, Ooh like one time we had a rattle snake in out backyard and we would play with it! or when we got home schooled!! Yes, Yes I know you're probably thinking "How is any of this okay!!??" It's not.

But that's okay because we're in a much better situation now! After 6 long years my sister finally called the cops they went to jail and we live with our mother again!! I will say, I'm not very fond of my mother but I still love her. Oh! I forgot to say my name.. It's Star. Well, I would rather be called jay but that's rare. I am currently in 7th grade and 12 and sadly in public school, Thankfully after this year I'll be in home school again! I really do not like public school. Yeah I like some of the people but the teachers suck and it's not flexible at all!! Makes me mad.

Yes I understand this is useless information so since I'm in the beginning of 7th grade let me tell you what's happend so far! For one I have 1 best friend, Her name is Rayana. I love her like a sister..At the moment I am dating a person named Khloe parker. I love this person so much but they're so toxic..They refuse to use my pronouns and get all pissed when I cant call..

I have another close friend and her name is Bella for short, Honestly if I weren't in a relationship I would date her I mean she's so hot!! Sadly I live in Georgia now..It kinda sucks here but I've already been here for at least 4 years now.

Usually every day when I come home I get yelled at and told to do my chores. I have to do chores first then everything else, In fact if I argue I'd probably get slapped. My step-dad? well he's not all that great, In fact if I could make him dissapear, He would!


Hii so this is the first chapter! tell me what you guys think!! I really enjoyed writing this and would love y'alls's feedback! Anways give me suggestions on how to improve!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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